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Re: putting bouncycastle 1.49 into backports?

Le 21/01/2014 11:09, Daniel Pocock a écrit :

> When you say creating separate binary packages, do you mean creating
> packages that have the version in the name such as
> libbcprov1.49-java.deb    (1.49)
> libbcprov-java.deb      (existing 1.44 in wheezy)

Yes exactly. And the package would have to be slightly modified to not
conflict with libbcprov-java (by renaming the jars in /usr/share/java
and changing the version of the Maven artifacts in /usr/share/maven-repo).

> Jitsi doesn't have a versioned dependency on this so it would hopefully
> be happy with the 1.44 version though and I think that would look better
> than having libbcprov1.49-java packages floating about.

I looked quickly into the latest jitsi downloads and it seems they use
bouncycastle 1.49. You may try to compile with bouncycastle 1.44 but
it's very unlikely to work out of the box.

Patching jitsi to work with bouncycastle 1.44 is another solution. There
is porting guide on the bouncycastle site detailing the API changes:


Emmanuel Bourg

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