debian-java Aug 1999 by thread
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- Re: Bug#41113: Proposal: Naming Conventions for modules Joey Hess
- JDE Andreas Tille
- Appletviewer for tutorial? Andreas Tille
- Re: Servlets, was Re: Various issues: kaffe, compilers, freeness, etc. Stefan Gybas
- Re: mod_jserv and the Java policy Stefan Gybas
- jdk1.2 Gene McCulley
- .java files into /usr/share/java/repository David Rocher
- Re: Release Dates Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: Sun's Community Licence (Was: Various issues: kaffe, compilers, freeness, etc. Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: Okay this is even odder Ean R . Schuessler
- OFF-TOPIC: java web server speeds (Re: Okay this is even odder) Ean R . Schuessler
- Servlets Andreas Tille
- Java binaries: CLASSPATH, -classpath, -cp? Gregor Hoffleit
- Problems with examples of libpsjava Andreas Tille
- Problems with examples of libpsjava (fwd) Andreas Tille
- CLASSPATH settings for JDBC Andreas Tille
- JIKES and Xemacs Jim Franklin
- [Fwd: [phxjug-java] PVCj 1.2 released (Open Source)] Jim Franklin
- Re: Sun's Community Licence (Was: Various issues: kaffe, compilers, freeness, etc. bruce
- native threads and Invocation API Gene McCulley
The last update was on 08:42 GMT Sat May 11. There are 52 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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