debian-chinese-big5 Nov 2000 by thread
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- cce的問題 oacl
- make error in chinput3.0.1 wen
- Re: xcin doesn't response Anthony Fok
- Re: debian新手的兩個問題 Anthony Fok
- 還是中文問題!! oacl
- Re: ¦w¸Ë¦³°ÝÃD Edward Lee
- Re: xfs-xtt ,can see the error log? Edward Lee
- Test of glibc-2.2 (CVS: 20001031) thhsieh
- 中文撾侍 ljoasis
- [Fwd: RE: Re[2]: Registration of new charset] (fwd) Thomas Chan
- Re: Mail Error Edward Lee
- Re: DebianÐèÒªÈýÕŹâÅÌÂ𣿠Edward Lee
- XF4如何使用文鼎字型? Jonathan Chang
- 關¤_linux的輸入法 oacl
- Locale Data from IBM Holly Lee
- linux能支持4G的文¥騥隉H Jim Zh
- Re: Re: Some minor corrections for CCE/JMCE Mendel L Chan
- 請問debian guide 的第¥|、六章是§_收到? chenjian72
- 請問有沒有工具把xcin的cin文件轉化為Chinput的cin文件格¦¡ oacl
- The Chinese related character set infomation thhsieh
- how to change chinese fonts in emacs ? Wan Hing Wah
- Is there anybody studying on YanHuang Chinese Platform? linuxrat
- Re: [cle-devel] CLE ... Anthony Fok
- Re: GB18030 support in Mozilla (fwd) Thomas Chan
- [轉載]Abiword request for help from CJK hackers Yu Guanghui
- 請問apt-tools些怎麼用呢? debianer
- gnome programs no longer work with libc6 2.2-1 Jonathan Chang
- please tell me,how to use apt-tools?thanks wqinian rao
- why xemacs don't read .emacs under my home? cay
- Report to Recipient(s) SV-MR01/S/Seagate
- how to update kernel? wqinian rao
- ÇëÎÊÔÚdebian2.2ÖÐÈçºÎµÃµ½DEBIANµÄÔÂëÄØ£¿ wqinian rao
- Woody xlibs breaks all the arphic packages.. Yifang Dai
- A Linux Today story has been mailed to you! Nobody
- zh_TW.Big vs zh_TW.big5 vs zh_TW irene shaw
- UNICON 3.0 Kenneth Chin
- locale-zh Shao Zhang
- 參與 Debian 中文計劃 志逞
- Chinput 3.0.1 was packaged ;-) Yu Guanghui
- $BV;D\SC(B mutt-ja $B4&@mVPNDSJ(B $B<~Bp(B ? Yu Guanghui
- 參與 Debian 中文計劃 wqinian rao
- 請問為什麼我安裝在最後的時候要我配置代理服務器和NEWS呢? wqinian rao
- 請問potato中如要使用windows truetype fonts要如何? Tou
- 請問怎麼³]置進入X後是GNOME呢? wqinian rao
- 請問怎麼配置聲卡呢? wqinian rao
- 請問我配置了PPP如¦騧溢馱W網呢? wqinian rao
- libc2.2-1中文測試 Yu Guanghui
- [Fwd: Coulld someone offer his /etc/X11/xfs/config?] Gong Yi LIAO,,,
- [Fwd: 請問我配置了PPP如何撥號上網呢?] Gong Yi LIAO,,,
- [Fwd: 請問怎麼設置進入X後是GNOME呢?] Gong Yi LIAO,,,
- Re: Coulld someone offer his /etc/X11/xfs/config? wen
- list archive problem Josip Rodin
- 在 woody 中 crxvt 可以輸入顯示中文, xchat1.5.7不能顯示中文, KDE可以顯示但輸入®犮X²{亂碼 Ben Luo
- xcin 2.5.2 can work with libc6 2.2 Yu Guanghui
- 有那位那大德知道如何在debian上寫組合語言的程式@@ Jared_Chang
- 請問怎麼¥[入SOUND卡模塊? wqinian rao
- 請問用什麼命令撥號上網呢? wqinian rao
- 關¤_MAIL的問題! wqinian rao
- how to use pon up to internt? wqinian rao
- 難道DEBIAN2。2裡面沒有自帶mysql嗎? wqinian rao
- 關¤_升級內核的問題! wqinian rao
- 關¤_apt-get 的問題! wqinian rao
- 怎麼¥]裝成.deb文件呢? wqinian rao
- network config Gilbert.Li (李威儒)
- ok, XF4.0 and libc6 2.2 work nice with gb2312 Yu Guanghui
- 我的/etc/gdm/gdm.conf;供各位參考 Gong Yi LIAO
- 請問 wqinian rao
- 關¤_撥號的問題! wqinian rao
- 請問怎麼¥[載聲卡呢? wqinian rao
- 怎麼配置驅動器? wqinian rao
- 關¤_DSELECT的問題! wqinian rao
- 怎麼用wvdial上了網,但是找不到主頁! wqinian rao
- debian-guide-zh 第¥|及六章轉換完成! Kenneth Chin
- Where is wen
- 用不用配置DNS呢? wqinian rao
- 請問DEBIAN下有像REDHAT那樣的linuxconfig工具嗎? wqinian rao
- 請問啟動X的¸}本在哪裡呢? wqinian rao
- 怎麼我在安裝時候配置MODULE裡的MISC那麼少呢? wqinian rao
- ¦p¦ó³z¹Lºô¸ô¦w¸Ëdebian¡H ChinYung
- about misc question! wqinian rao
- about perl question! wqinian rao
- how to setup /dev/dsp ? wqinian rao
- FAQ模板完成 Yu Guanghui
- 關¤_用中文的問題! wqinian rao
- where is download netscape6! thanks! wqinian rao
- 這樣行嗎? wqinian rao
- potato中如何使用windows truetype fonts? Tou
- 抓不到D-Link TX530(dev B)網路卡? 洪英洲
- chinese in irc? zhaoway
Chinese terminal zhaoway
我的X怎麼同時有GNOME¡@和AFTER呢? wqinian rao
請問用dselect裡的update需要連接上I¢隃潳荎遉隃荎漍隉H wqinian rao
我用WVDIAL能撥號通,但是就是找不到主機! wqinian rao
請問DEBIAN自己帶了QT等庫嗎? wqinian rao
請問如何升級LIB庫呢? wqinian rao
RE:D-Link TX530(dev B) 洪^洲
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=D4=F5=C3=B4=B8=C4vim=D6=D0=B5=C4tabsize??= doodler
xchat的autoconvert plugins Yu Guanghui
qt-2.2.2¦@享庫找不到 cay cay
email in chinese under gnus cay cay
Chinese email for mutt under woody ha shao
[no subject] a
- Re: V.Linux
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: Jean-Michel Lee
[no subject] a
Time for Linux in HongKong hashao
hi,my /dev/dsp question! wqinian rao
哪位朋友能詳細說說如何配置MODEM上網©O?謝謝! wqinian rao
where_is_download_netscape6!_thanks! wqinian rao
請問用apt-get install source有多¤[時間呢? wqinian rao
a question about apt-get ????
about xcin question! wqinian rao
how to setup X wqinian rao
為什麼在我的~下沒有像.xseeion這文件呢? wqinian rao
請問什麼是Zope呢? wqinian rao
how to use xcin input chinese? wqinian rao
在gnome中º~字是如何顯示的? jxl
請問在~下的.什麼文件,是不是¤@¶}機就執行? wqinian rao
知道在source.list裡怎麼¥[個最快的更新服務器我在大陸! wqinian rao
can't connect to ISP a
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: can't connect to ISP wqinian rao
zh-trans depends on locale-zh zhaoway
請問讓apt-get install php4和apache後怎麼連接呢? wqinian rao
用DEBIAN做服務器效率高嗎? wqinian rao
關¤_沒有光盤的安裝問題! wqinian rao
測試,請忽略。 wgj
如何設定xfree86-4.0.1 廖宮毅
debain新兵報到. Eric_Hu
登陸怪怪的 wgj
½Ð°Ý¤É¯Å¦Ülibc6 2.2»Ýn·Ç³Æ..... =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B9=F9=AEc=BC=DD_
autoconvert 0.3.7b1測試版 Yu Guanghui
on debian packages i18n zhaoway
debconf and l10n zhaoway
Re: Re: Re: 檔案¦@享問題!! wgj
關¤_配置MYSQL和PHP的問題! wqinian rao
autoconvert-0.3.7 out Yu Guanghui
=?iso-8859-1?Q?=A6p=A6=F3=B1NMS_Windows_=A4U=AA=BATrueType_=AF=C7=A4J=A8t=B2=CE=A4=A4??= =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B9=F9=AEc=BC=DD_
php3/php4的中文支持問題 wen
chinese in ncurses YeMa
problem of archie wen
Re:_關¤_配置MYSQL和PHP的問題! wqinian rao
telnet問題 wgj
abut gb under X Chester
Re: debconf templates translation for chinese zhaoway
[ translating boot-floppies -- call for more updates] zhaoway
[zh-l10n] Re: [i18n-chinese] CJK encoding standard? Anthony Fok
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