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164SX Memory
2.4.12 kernel
2.4.x with SMP on Alpha
Re: Bug#116411: Potato-Floppies for Alpha Systems broken
Build error Alpha libpaperg ?
Compiling SDL-Programmes
Dropping alpha
get ready!
Help in Generating Alpha files
Re: installing without VGA card
IPChains question
Re: JumpStart source
kernel v2.4.11 seems to work now for my Alpha machine
<<<<<<<Latest offer to get your WEBSITE>>>>>>>
libgtk1.2, multipane apps, and Alpha
Linux on a Digital Alpha
my dpkg problem fixed!
Mylex DAC960
need help! dpkg corrupted!
Netscape/alpha on kernel 2.4.10/2.4.11 ?
Netscape/alpha on kernel 2.4.11 + old adaptec driver
non-US autobuilder?
php4 problem...
Fwd: Play a hilarious prank call
please compile on potato (alpha,m68k,sparc,powerpc): webalizer_1.30.4-3.1
please compile tama 1.0-5.1 on potato
Postgres on alpha.
problem compiling 2.4.13
Problems installing
Recompile bwbasic for stable
Recompile freewnn for stable
Recompile postgresql for stable
Recompile telnet for stable
Recompile w3m-ssl for stable
Recompile webalizer for alpha
Recompile xtel for stable
Recompile yabasic for stable
reiserfs on all my SRM-alpha drives: how I did it
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 085-1] New nvi packages fix format string vulnerability
SMP kernel for UP2000 833MHZ 2-cpus
Stable upload of boot-floppies 2.2.26
sucess story and one question...
Re: Take 2: Preparing 2.2r4
test of woody tftpboot.img stalls
Via-Rhine trouble on AS255
Won't boot from bootable cd-rom
woody alpha cd images and more
workaround for clock problem
xjed segfault
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