Postgres on alpha.
[Please Cc: me in replies, I'm not subscribed to -alpha]
Okay folks, I've been scouring the list archives, and have not found
anything conclusive....
Starting PostgreSQL postmaster.
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgres/data -l /var/log/postgres.log
postmaster successfully started
Enabling the PL procedural language in all PostgreSQL databases...
postgres jumps to 100% cpu, and well, hangs.
any clues?
the machine in question:
community:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
cpu : Alpha
cpu model : EV4
cpu variation : 7
cpu revision : 0
cpu serial number :
system type : Sable
system variation : 0
system revision : 0
system serial number :
cycle frequency [Hz] : 190024424 est.
timer frequency [Hz] : 1024.00
page size [bytes] : 8192
phys. address bits : 34
max. addr. space # : 63
BogoMIPS : 376.43
kernel unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
user unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
platform string : AlphaServer 2000 4/200
cpus detected : 1
Michael Beattie <>
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people
very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
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