Re: Build error Alpha libpaperg ?
> On Oct 29, Helge Kreutzmann illuminated with a virtual scribe :
> Hello !
> Before submitting a bug report I just wanted to know if anybody else
> experienced a packet-error in libpaperg ? When trying to apt-get the
> latest version, I get a bunch of errors, apt-get -f install does not
> help. Btw. potato/partially woody system.
check the status of your perl install. with you partial woody system, you
might need to upgrade perl-* to 5.6 (not 5.005)
I found perl doing some messy things on i386 a while ago but it all went
away with a forceful install of the perl packages.
Jean-Paul Blaquière || Avatar of Computational || Thaumaturgy || IHTFP
"The male ego is a puppet master with a black sense of humour"
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