Re: Postgres on alpha.
On Wed, 3 Oct 2001, Michael Beattie wrote:
> [Please Cc: me in replies, I'm not subscribed to -alpha]
> Okay folks, I've been scouring the list archives, and have not found
> anything conclusive....
> Starting PostgreSQL postmaster.
> /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgres/data -l /var/log/postgres.log
> postmaster successfully started
> Enabling the PL procedural language in all PostgreSQL databases...
> postgres jumps to 100% cpu, and well, hangs.
What version of Postgres are you running? I have both 7.0.3 and
7.1 running on XLT 366 Alphas w/o problems. They are both running stock
Debian 2.2 with 2.2.19 kernels. Since I have done a lot of testing and
work with getting Postgres running on Linux/Alpha, these are manual
builds. I have never tried to use the Debian packages or even looked into
what patches they may add on.
I would recommend downloading the most recent, stable version from, and compiling/installing that. If you are still having
trouble, let me know more about your setup and I will try and help. If you
don't have any more trouble, then there is a problem with the patches
applied to create the debian package. Bug (pun intended :) the package
maintainer. TTYL.
| "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
| --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV) |
| Ryan Kirkpatrick | Boulder, Colorado | |
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