Re: Via-Rhine trouble on AS255
On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 12:14:04AM +0100, Patrick Strang wrote:
> Hello there,
> I'm running an AlphaStation 255/233 MHz with 128 MB RAM.
> I have just installed the potato release of debian.
> To connect the computer with my (sad to say it :-)) windows pc, I bought an additional ethernet network device card. It is a D-Link DFE-530TX. According to documentations it needs the Via-Rhine device driver.
> However, the SRM on the alpha does not find the PCI card (ewa0 is the on-board device) and when installing the kernel and device drivers the debian installation can't find the modules for via-rhine (or anything else for that matter - I get module not found for every additional driver in all categories).
> How do I add it to the kernel and does the SRM need to find and recognize the card in order to make it work.
Disclaimer : I don't even have an Alpha machine, but I do own a newer
rev DFE-530TX NIC and am pissed about Dlink's product numbering schemes.
OK, first off , is it a DFE-530TX or a DFE530TX+? These are _not_ the
same cards. If the + one is based on the Realtek 8139 chipset, the 530TX
is based on the Via Rhine chip (and just to confuse things even more,
newer 530TX boards have a Via Rhine 2 chips on them). Assuming it's a
newer 530TX, the stock via-rhine.o driver in kernels older than 2.2.19
won't cut it. So make sure of what you have and what kernel version
you're using.
About SRM: it will never ever recognize it, but it doesn't matter as
long as you don't intend to netboot from it (just use the onboard NIC
for that).
Hope this makes sense,
Jean-Francois Landry
Better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. And if he can't
be bothered to learn to fish and starves to death, that's a good enough
outcome for me.
-Steve VanDevender
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