Re: kernel v2.4.11 seems to work now for my Alpha machine
On Wednesday 10 October 2001 11:08 pm, you wrote:
> Let me know if you have any more problems of the same kind.
> --Jay++
Now that you mention it, I do have some new problems that have shown
up. The v2.4.11 kernel is still running, but the clock is screwed up.
I have noticed this in several ways:
1) the console latency was noticeable right away; just did not respond
as quickly as it should
2) when running "top", it does not recycle on it'w own. I have to hit
the space bar to update the screen
3) my cron jobs did not run last night. restarted cron, then noticed
the time/date was wrong; reran ntpdate, ntp. this updated the time to
the correct time; then noticed the clock was not changing as fast as it
4) ran a cpu-intensive job last night that should have taken about 3
hours to complete; but the cpu time indicates it used about 1 hour; I
don't think the new kernel made the machine run 3-times faster!
The RTC is enabled in the kernel. Perhaps I should try with it
disabled? Is it no longer needed in the new kernel?
James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - work - home
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