debconf-team Nov 2015 by thread
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- [Debconf-team] Fwd: DebConf16 Accommodation: 26 June - 10 July 2016 Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] 'meeting' tonight: General discussion Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] No action required, other than to take note: ShowMeBox and DebConf16 Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] Tammy Manning sent you "Flyer" Tammy via Dropbox
- [Debconf-team] DC16 fundraising sprint this Thu Nov 4 (1900UTC, 2100CEST/SAST, 1400EST, 1100PST) Brian Gupta
- Re: [Debconf-team] [correction] DC16 fundraising sprint this Thu Nov 4 (1900UTC, 2000CET, 2100SAST, 1400EST, 1100PST) Brian Gupta
- Re: [Debconf-team] DC16 web pages: Sponsor page and logos Brian Gupta
- Re: [Debconf-team] Protecting Debian from DebConf issues? (was: Collaboratively drafting the next DebConf) delegation Steve Langasek
- [Debconf-team] Budget, and some swag ideas Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] Address in .za Richard Hartmann
- [Debconf-team] Meeting/Discussion chat tonight: Budget, Delegation ...? Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] Progress on flyer & print-ready brochure? Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] Sponsor email rework - advice please Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] Why a new DebConf delegation won't help martin f krafft
- [Debconf-team] DebConf15 Thank you ad. Donald Norwood
- [Debconf-team] What is DC to you? Carl Karsten
- [Debconf-team] AfricaCom: 17-19Nov15, Cape Town Bernelle Verster
- [Debconf-team] Formal meeting: Wednesday 18:30 UTC: Delegation for DebConf Bernelle Verster
Re: [Debconf-team] Flyer and Brochure Tammy Manning
[Debconf-team] Tammy Manning sent you "Flyer Option1 front and back.pdf" Tammy via Dropbox
[Debconf-team] Tammy Manning sent you "Flyeamendedr.pdf" Tammy via Dropbox
[Debconf-team] Tammy Manning sent you "Flyeamendedr 2 MORE OPTIONS 17 NOv.pdf" Tammy via Dropbox
[Debconf-team] Submission draft, was: Collaboratively drafting the next DebConf delegation Daniel Lange
Re: [Debconf-team] Brochures and Flyers to print Tammy Manning
[Debconf-team] Meeting 2015-11-25 18:30 UTC Stefano Rivera
[Debconf-team] DC17 bid deadline martin f krafft
[Debconf-team] Wafer install for development martin f krafft
[Debconf-team] VISA team volunteers needed Daniel Lange
[Debconf-team] Tammy Manning sent you "26 Nov Final" Tammy via Dropbox
[Debconf-team] Wafer data model martin f krafft
[Debconf-team] Montreal's bid for DC17 is now official Louis-Philippe Véronneau
The last update was on 10:17 GMT Sun May 05. There are 117 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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