debian-user Jul 2010 by thread
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Testing: Weekly Build - 7/26/2010 Chris
Debian FS structure. Sthu Deus
my (simple) sudoers doesn't work Gauthier Vandemoortele
How can I emulate Debian for PowerPC on Intel processor? Christian Simo
debug initrd hugo vanwoerkom
[Slightly OT] Laptop battery draining in Lenny Mark
hypervisor choices on Debian Testing amd64 H.S.
How is 'pppd' launched while starting Guo Jiahua
Successful install of nautilus-dropbox from Ubuntu deb leaves dependency error Patrick Wiseman
t38modem with debian 5.0 Sergio Jardón
SD card question Zoran Kolic
Fwd: peluang bisnes online!!! darmiwati sahril
CNN vidoes no playable in iceape (mozilla browser) H.S.
dosfslabel linux-base grub mess Thomas H. George
The last update was on 10:41 GMT Tue Jul 02. There are 2075 messages. Page 5 of 5.
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