debian-l10n-russian Apr 2017 by thread
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- Validation failed Debian Webmaster
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3826.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3827.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Вупущен. Александр Мороз
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3828.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3829.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://vote/2017/{suppl_001_stats.detailed.wml,suppl_001_stats_detailed.wml,vote_001_index.src,vote_001_majority.src,vote_001_quorum.src} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://News/2017/20170417.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3830.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Re: [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3802.wml} Vladimir Zhbanov
- Re: [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3804.wml} Vladimir Zhbanov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3831.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3832.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3833.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{News/2017/20170425.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3834.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Список непереведённых описаний пакетов Andrey Skvortsov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3835.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3836.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3837.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3838.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3839.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://events/2011/{0510-solutionslinux,1001-minidebconf-colombia,0402-texas-linuxfest}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://events/2011/{1002-debub-bsp,0820-froscon,0720-ensol}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://events/2011/{0202-cloudexpoeurope,0319-linuxtage-chemnitz,1019-latinoware}.wml Lev Lamberov
The last update was on 06:10 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 60 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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