debian-l10n-italian Sep 2012 by subject

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[Autopromozione :)] Aggiunta nuovo coordinatore delle traduzioni italiane [BTS#686691] po-debconf://icecast2 [BTS#687655] po-debconf://ipvsadm [BTS#687768] po-debconf://firmware-nonfree [BTS#687769] po-debconf://citadel [BTS#687771] po-debconf://fpc [BTS#687772] po-debconf://git-stuff [BTS#687773] po-debconf://lsh-utils [BTS#687774] po-debconf://jffnms [BTS#689039] po-debconf://chef-solr [BTS#689040] po-debconf://chef-solr [BTS#689040] po-debconf://pam-mysql citadel 8.14-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package citadel Contribuire Re: The Debian Administration Handbook debian-installer: yet another update needed [DONE] po-debconf://chef-solr [DONE] wml://News/weekly/2012/17/index.wml [DONE] wml://News/weekly/2012/18/index.wml fglrx-driver 1:12-6+point-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package fglrx-driver [non-free] lsh-utils 2.0.4-dfsg-11: Please update debconf PO translation for the package lsh-utils mathematica-fonts 14: Please update debconf PO translation for the package mathematica-fonts Needed update for Debian Installer sublevel 6 (IPv6 support in network configuration) Re: oggetto con nome debconf sbagliato [Was: <eliminato per non fare confondere il bot> Pagine web da aggiornare Re: Parola mancante nella traduzione di Fwd: [Publicity-commits] r4300 - /dpn/it/current/index.wml R: [Autopromozione :)] Aggiunta nuovo coordinatore delle traduzioni italiane Re: R: [Autopromozione :)] Aggiunta nuovo coordinatore delle traduzioni italiane [RFR] Alcuni numeri di DPN in italiano in attesa di revisori (e di successiva pubblicazione) [RFR] DPN #17 IT Commit della Revisione 4204 eseguito [RFR] DPN IT #17 e #18 [RFR] po-debconf://chef-solr [RFR] po-debconf://citadel [RFR] po-debconf://fglrx-driver [RFR] po-debconf://firmware-nonfree [RFR] po-debconf://fpc [RFR] po-debconf://git-stuff [RFR] po-debconf://ipvsadm [RFR] po-debconf://lazarus [RFR] po-debconf://linux-base [RFR] po-debconf://pam-mysql [RFR] po-debonco://jffnms [RFR] po-debonco://lsh-utils [RFR] po://dhelp/it.po [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/06/index.wml [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/17/index.wml [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/19/index.wml - Commit FAILED!!! [RFR] wml://News/weekly/current/index.wml Rimozione dello spam dalle liste -italian (2012/08) R: Re: Contribuire R: Re: [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/17/index.wml sysvinit 2.88dsf-32.1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package sysvinit traduzione del man sources.list obsoleta Traduzione handbook uswsusp 1.0+20110509-2.1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package uswsusp uswsusp 1.0+20110509-2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package uswsusp The last update was on 13:39 GMT Wed May 01. There are 100 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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