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Re: [FM Discuss] Status of Sugar
Allow localization-config to propagate to testing
Fwd: Re: Bits from the Debian CD team
Bug#503600: [INTL:sv] Swedish strings for debian-edu-config debconf
Bug#503600: Acknowledgement ([INTL:sv] Swedish strings for debian-edu-config debconf)
Bug#504003: please add functionality to mass add hosts
Bug#504081: debian-edu-config: update-hostname must run before ltsp-client
CodeCamp OLPC France, 15th Nov. 2008, Paris
Debian Professor for Linux-Magazin
debian-edu-install_0.674~svn55060_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu-install_0.674~svn55149_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.838~svn55004_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.838~svn55010_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.838~svn55037_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.838~svn55076_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.838~svn55115_i386.changes ACCEPTED
debian-edu_0.838~svn55174_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Diskless Workstation - impossible to install
Dist-upgrade, no good!
Etch half
Fl_TeacherTool security alert notice
Grups and LWAT
half working script to mass add host
how to restore?
Installing LTSP from Skolelinux 3.0r1 DVD
localization-config 1.05 MIGRATED to testing
localization-config_1.05_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
localization-config_1.05_i386.changes ACCEPTED
moodle alternatives and/or documentation
msi wind
Multiarch DVD dropps one arch
Re: Name poll (Was: New name: Call for opinions)
Next irc meeting
Next irc meeting: 2008-11-05 19:00 UTC
Offline install of programs and next release
Open knowledge events in London on 1st, 6th, 8th November
Portuguese translations on your packages
Problem starting diskless workstation
Processed: commited to svn, upload pending..
Processing of localization-config_1.05_i386.changes
Re: r55307 - in trunk/src/debian-edu: debian tasks
release name, release date, release number
Russia Mandates Free Software For Public Schools
Second account run (was Re: Account run for the developer machines)
Skole in my shool
Status of Sugar
Re: stop aptitude removing packages
Survey about the Debian Wiki
THINCLIENTS not working, probably deb-edu-config fault
Re: Video recordings from the Debian Edu/Skolelinux conference
Video recordings from the Debian Edu/Skolelinux conference (Was: Debian-Edu Skolelinux Developer Gathering in Oslo, Norway, 10th-12th of October 2008)
Yes, I will participate in the developer gathering 10th-12th of october in Oslo.
zh_TW support in debian-edu
The last update was on 12:57 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 150 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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