debian-dpkg Feb 2008 by thread
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- dpkg MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
- Re: [PATCH] add dpkg-conffile, based upon Scott James Remnant
- dpkg_1.14.14_m68k.changes REJECTED Debian Installer
- Dpkg testsuite redux Esteban Manchado Velázquez
- ebuild ciol
- Re: [RFC] Enhance checksum support Frank Lichtenheld
- Re: [PATCH v3] Enhance Checksums support Frank Lichtenheld
- Re: [PATCH] proposed v3 source format using .git.tar.gz Frank Lichtenheld
- dpkg-source's future and relation with VCS Raphael Hertzog
- Ubuntu dpkg Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
- VCS-based source packages and helper tools Raphael Hertzog
- Ubuntu dpkg Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
- Where is my init script? Christian Goetze (CG)
- two dpkg-instances / invoking module-assistant on kernel-upgrade Patrick Scharrenberg
- IRIX NFS returns EEXIST, not ENOTEMPTY on rmdir SGI Junkie
- Re: Bug#452806: [debchange] dch -a shouldn't modify existing entries Adam D. Barratt
- dpkg-buildpackage now reorganizing debian/control Depends field?? Kevin B. McCarty
- diversions and conffiles? Max Bowsher
- triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance Ian Jackson
- Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance Jörg Sommer
- git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Robert Collins
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Pierre Habouzit
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Raphael Hertzog
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Pierre Habouzit
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Cyril Brulebois
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Raphael Hertzog
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Colin Watson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Mike Bird
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Mike Bird
- Message not available
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) John Goerzen
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) John Goerzen
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Pierre Habouzit
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Mark Brown
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Raphael Hertzog
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Mark Brown
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Raphael Hertzog
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Mike Bird
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Mark Brown
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Vincent Danjean
- Message not available
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) John Goerzen
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance Raphael Hertzog
- Message not available
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Raphael Hertzog
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Ian Jackson
- Re: git bikeshedding (Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance) Otavio Salvador
Message not available
Re: triggers in dpkg, and dpkg maintenance Ian Jackson
libc6: ldconfig.8: include aux cache option Justin Pryzby
[sourcev3] Mapping between Format and Dpkg::Source::Package object Raphael Hertzog
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