debian-dpkg Nov 2004 by thread
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Re: dpkg branches
Manoj Srivastava
Re: dpkg branches
Scott James Remnant
Re: dpkg branches
Manoj Srivastava
Re: dpkg branches
Scott James Remnant
Re: dpkg branches
Adam Heath
Re: dpkg branches
Manoj Srivastava
Re: dpkg branches
Andrew Suffield
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: dpkg branches
Christian Perrier
Re: dpkg branches
Scott James Remnant
Re: dpkg branches
Christian Perrier
Bug#278676: Is there any workaround for the dpkg zh_CN.po shit?
Christian Perrier
Réponse automatique
Bug#12667: Real or personal property protected
bethany ortiz
Bug#15162: If I'm considering bankruptcy can your program still help, Yes.
melani richards
Bug#134358: Email adresse midlertidigt droppet pga. tusindvis af vira
Bug#279701: dpkg: data.tar.gz has a numeric uid for pseudo-tags.gz
Jürgen A. Erhard
how to let dpkg assume a package installed?
Re: how to let dpkg assume a package installed?
Harald Dunkel
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: how to let dpkg assume a package installed?
Bug#47404: News Today...Fountain of Youth
kimberly lewis
Bug#247824: Patch adding dpkg-sig support to dpkg-buildpackage
Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Processed: Patch adding dpkg-sig support to dpkg-buildpackage
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#21236: your purge request
Lyris ListManager
Bug#55364: catchup
Bug#280406: dpkg: [INTL:pl] updated Polish translation
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#280406: dpkg: [INTL:pl] updated Polish translation
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#280406: dpkg: [INTL:pl] updated Polish translation
Christian Perrier
dpkg problems
dpkg problems
Bug#174976: Could the patch be applied?
Bug#47404: Regardless of credit- burnt carriage
The Cal-Mortgage
Bug#280710: dpkg: New architecture support: M32R
NIIBE Yutaka
Bug#106224: Fw: donahue
Percy Paul
dpkg failure
Re: dpkg failure
Scott James Remnant
Processing of dpkg_1.10.25_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
Bug#278676: marked as done (dpkg: Simplified Chinese translation become garbage because of a broken po file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
dpkg_1.10.25_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
Bug#106224: Awaiting Response [2nd try]
Endless Options Inc.
Bug#55364: increased salary with ph.d/degree/diploma
Newsletter Higher Education
Bug#280963: Support for x86_64-kfreebsd-gnu types
Robert Millan
Bug#48104: check this out
Tashiana Meluso
Bug#12667: Fwd: Great news
Darrin Rayborn
Bug#281057: dpkg memory exhausting when upgrading with --root
Egmont Koblinger
Bug#105750: Greetings from Cynthia Clark
Cynthia Clark
Bug#281117: dpkg: [INTL:es] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281117: dpkg: [INTL:es] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281103: dpkg: [INTL:da] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281103: dpkg: [INTL:da] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281122: dpkg: [INTL:pt] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281122: dpkg: [INTL:pt] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281144: dpkg: [l10n:ja] Translation update
Kenshi Muto
Bug#281144: dpkg: [l10n:ja] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281144: dpkg: [l10n:ja] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281166: dpkg: [INTL:ru] Translation update
Yuri Kozlov
Bug#281166: dpkg: [INTL:ru] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281166: dpkg: [INTL:ru] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281165: dpkg: [INTL:sv] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281165: dpkg: [INTL:sv] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281228: dpkg: [INTL:pt_BR] Translation update
Andre Luis Lopes
Bug#281228: dpkg: [INTL:pt_BR] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281228: dpkg: [INTL:pt_BR] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Status of translation updates
Christian Perrier
Re: Status of translation updates
Jordi Mallach
Bug#281245: dpkg: [INTL:eu] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281245: dpkg: [INTL:eu] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281231: dpkg: [INTL:cs] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281231: dpkg: [INTL:cs] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#47404: he said you rpaed him
Ashlee Lake
Bug#281333: dpkg: [INTL:ca] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281333: dpkg: [INTL:ca] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281456: [INTL:nn] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281456: [INTL:nn] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281562: [DPKG-DEB] -b does not find conffiles if they have spaces at the end
David L. Moreno
Bug#281562: [DPKG-DEB] -b does not find conffiles if they have spaces at the end
Scott James Remnant
Bug#281562: [DPKG-DEB] -b does not find conffiles if they have spaces at the end
David López Moreno
Bug#281503: dpkg: [INTL:de] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#281503: dpkg: [INTL:de] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#55364: arrowroot
Petra Edwards
Bug#281600: /usr/sbin/install-info: install-info violates the principle of least surprise
Bulent Murtezaoglu
Bug#281627: please add short version for shortformat
martin f krafft
Processed: severity of 281057 is normal
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#47404: A treasure chest of mortage - obvious deuterium
New Home mortage rates
Bug#281057: normal?
Egmont Koblinger
Bug#281057: normal?
Scott James Remnant
Bug#281057: part2
Egmont Koblinger
Bug#270043: mention exact syntax
Dan Jacobson
Bug#282087: dpkg: Tiny typing mistake in Dutch translation
Bug#282087: dpkg: Tiny typing mistake in Dutch translation
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#282087: dpkg: Tiny typing mistake in Dutch translation
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#106224: haste
Damian Grimes
Bug#169928: Happy Birthday!
Egmont Koblinger
Bug#169928: (no subject)
Steve Kowalik
Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#120152: Unofficial patched version available
Jarno Elonen
Bug#120152: Unofficial patched version available
Scott James Remnant
Bug#120152: Unofficial patched version available
Jarno Elonen
Bug#120152: Unofficial patched version available
Scott James Remnant
Bug#120152: Unofficial patched version available
Jarno Elonen
Bug#282272: dpkg won't give help on missing `available' file
Christoph Burgmer
Bug#282283: RFH: dselect -- a user tool to manage Debian packages
Scott James Remnant
Bug#282290: dpkg: [U-A] --config exists even when links are broken with one choice
Osamu Aoki
Translation updates
Christian Perrier
Bug#282246: dpkg: [INTL:ko] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#282246: dpkg: [INTL:ko] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#282323: /usr/bin/dpkg-source: [DPKG-SOURCE] please add a possibility to specify directory being unpacked to
Marc Haber
Bug#282335: Deliver us from dselect
David Weinehall
Bug#282335: Deliver us from dselect
Joerg Jaspert
Bug#282335: Deliver us from dselect
David Weinehall
Bug#282335: Deliver us from dselect
Joerg Jaspert
Bug#282335: Deliver us from dselect
Scott James Remnant
Bug#282335: Deliver us from dselect
Colin Watson
Bug#169928: Russian roulette
Egmont Koblinger
Bug#282543: dpkg: [INTL:it] Translation update
Christian Perrier
Processed: Re: Bug#282543: dpkg: [INTL:it] Translation update
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#282669: dpkg: FTBFS with gcc-4.0: invalid lvalue in assignment
Andreas Jochens
1.10 branch ready for a translation upload
Christian Perrier
Bug#263743: dpkg: Please use the package architecture name 'ppc64' as specified by the LSB 2.0
Andreas Jochens
Processed: dpkg: Please use the package architecture name 'ppc64' as specified by the LSB 2.0
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#263743: dpkg: Please use the package architecture name 'ppc64' as specified by the LSB 2.0
Scott James Remnant
Processed: tagging 263743
Debian Bug Tracking System
<Possible follow-ups>
Processed: tagging 263743
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#282701: dpkg-dev: Minor Typo in dpkg-architecture syserr message
Rakesh 'arky' Ambati
Bug#282790: dpkg -l: use the terminfo to get the number of columns (if COLUMNS unset)
Vincent Lefevre
Bug#282853: query options ignore --root
Egmont Koblinger
binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
GOTO Masanori
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Goswin von Brederlow
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Scott James Remnant
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Steve Langasek
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Scott James Remnant
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Goswin von Brederlow
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Scott James Remnant
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Goswin von Brederlow
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Steve Langasek
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Goswin von Brederlow
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Wouter Verhelst
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Goswin von Brederlow
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Anthony Towns
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Scott James Remnant
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Goswin von Brederlow
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Anthony Towns
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Scott James Remnant
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Scott James Remnant
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Andreas Barth
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Matt Zimmerman
Re: binary NMUs and version numbers
Steve Langasek
Re: New method for Packages/Sources file updates
Goswin von Brederlow
reducing the number of (user visible) packages
Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
Re: reducing the number of (user visible) packages
Goswin von Brederlow
Only Installed Packages
Keith Parkansky
Re: Only Installed Packages
David Schmitt
dselect version
Keith Parkansky
Debian-dpkg . This is for you . Want to show uncle sam high priced Prescr.iption'ss arent right ...
Chadwick Wilder
Processed: Re: Bug#283246: Sarge-testing for Sparc, deselect, continious loop for zlib1g install
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#283640: dpkg: [PATCH] cross build
NIIBE Yutaka
Bug#96476: Awaiting Response [2nd try]
Endless Options Inc.
The last update was on 08:05 GMT Fri May 03. There are 163 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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