debian-doc Feb 2008 by subject
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[Debian Home] Changing binary files in diff.gz -- Suggesting GPG
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[Fwd: Contrib to Network Administrator's Manual]
[Fwd: Suggested adition to Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator's Manual s 12.4.3 Backup software]
Re: [ #489] klecker upgrade to etch
[ CVS access for Debian Documentation - Tamil Language]
Re: [ CVS access for Debian Documentation - Tamil Language]
[ Re: [ #489] klecker upgrade to etch]
Age and cunning
Bug#356720: marked as done (developers-reference: Please reference qa page Re: package removals)
Bug#373816: marked as done (developers-reference: Please encode in UTF-8)
Bug#384178: marked as done (developers-reference: Rephrase Be gender neutral)
Bug#391023: marked as done (please document the Vcs-* field for describing package's version control system)
Bug#401415: marked as done (developers-reference: Fixes for the debconf templates writing guide)
Bug#405453: marked as done (typo: s/defailt/default/ in footnotes.en.html)
Bug#405818: marked as done (developers-reference: Please explicitly describe how to choose version numbers for NMU of debian native package)
Bug#410159: marked as done (Please address schemes for Maintainers/Uploaders inside teams)
Bug#412757: marked as done (devref: Please mention the package removals wiki page)
Bug#413320: marked as done (developers-reference: copyright instead of README.Debian-source for repackaging)
Bug#419507: marked as done (bugs closed bu NMUs are really closed, not tagged fixed)
Bug#420540: marked as done (should document how to create -dbg packages)
Bug#422750: marked as done (developers-reference: should not suggest passive voice or that scientific publications always avoid first person)
Bug#427832: marked as done (developers-reference: Should no longer discourage the use of "error" debconf templates)
Bug#428846: marked as done (keyring removal now via RT (Request Tracker))
Bug#445642: marked as done (developers-reference: Please document the use of "Homepage:" in debian/control)
Bug#446618: marked as done (wrong dependency in -dbg packages)
Bug#464230: developers-reference: drop "Who can do an NMU" section
Bug#465696: developers-reference -- Please document more about the buildd and release processes
Bug#466423: developers-reference: Please clarify how to properly choose the debhelper compatibility level
Bug#467102: 5.9.3: when renaming a package, new name should also PROVIDE old name
Checkout the Spirit of Share!!
Cursos EFA
DDP CVS commit by jseidel: ddp/manuals.sgml/repository-howto Makefile rep ...
Debian documentation in Tamil..
Debian Wiki and DD's Reference
developers-reference in SVN
developers-reference_3.3.9_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
DR2: help request on guessnet and ifupdown-extra for network
network reference v2: questions about allow-hotplug
Processed: retitle 458550 to RM: flashplugin-nonfree/stable -- RoSRM; security nightmare ...
Processed: submitter 395563, submitter 395803, submitter 354814, submitter 412757
Processing of developers-reference_3.3.9_amd64.changes
Processing of refcard_0.3.2-1_amd64.changes
Professional documentation help available for FREE
refcard_0.3.2-1_amd64.changes is NEW
refcard_0.3.2-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Re: Status of Debian GNU/Linux Dictionary
Re: Status of Debian GNU/Linux Dictionary- wiki to html
Urgente - Solicitações Comerciais.
The last update was on 17:11 GMT Sat May 18. There are 89 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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