debian-l10n-portuguese Jun 2015 by thread
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Re: ajuda no DDTP Gustavo Rodrigues
votação - * Kazoo *mostly* compatible client API. Fred Maranhão
Re: votação - * Kazoo *mostly* compatible client API. Dennis Vieira
Voltando Dennis Vieira
atualizar constituição Debian hpfn
debian handbook hpfn
[ITT] po-debconf://neurodebian/pt_BR.po Adriano Rafael Gomes
[ITT] - wml:// hpfn
[HOLD] po-debconf://ejabberd/pt_BR.po Eder L. Marques
The last update was on 11:37 GMT Sat May 18. There are 77 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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