debian-gis Nov 2015 by thread
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Regression caused by fix for Bug#781228: freexl: Multiple vulnerabilities Sebastiaan Couwenberg
GMT 5.2.1 Sebastiaan Couwenberg
HDF5 1.10 Alastair McKinstry
Re: packaging pycsw Angelos Tzotsos
New Version of osm-gps-map nearly ready Ross Gammon
Establishing dialog between the Debian project and OGC regarding Document & Software Notice terms Bas Couwenberg
Re: [OSGeo-Standards] OGC XML schemas and FOSS4G softwaredistribution Cameron Shorter
Re: JTS 1.13 Sebastiaan Couwenberg
The last update was on 08:27 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 46 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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