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Re: osm-tile-server

Hi Bas,

> Yes, a native package is just another package, it just doesn't have
> separate upstream releases.
> The debian-gis source package which builds the Blends metapackages was
> ITP'ed in #587856 for example.

Cool! Then I'll file an ITP bug. I tried to find other native
packages, and none of those I checked were closing any ITP bug in
their first changelog entry. So thanks for pointing out debian-gis.
> > Do we need to discuss it with someone before we upload, or is it
> > just to upload and wait for the FTP masters to say yes or no?
> This thread should be sufficient discussion. Because a native package
> is just another package it will also have to pass the NEW queue like
> any other package.
> > 2. Some Mapnik issues in sid currently makes it not fully work.
> What issues are those other than #799473?

I just now confirmed that the issue in Mapnik has been fixed upstream and
I finally got osm-tile-server working in sid. I degraded #799473 to
minor and filed #803985 instead [1].

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=803985

> > Still, the package will correctly set up the database with OSM
> > data and configure apache, so that when Mapnik starts working, 
> > osm-tile-server should provide tiles correctly. Do you think we 
> > should wait with the initial upload until Mapnik actually does
> > work correctly?
> That seems sensible, no use uploading a package that doesn't work.

Then we can go ahead as soon as a new version of mapnik has been
uploaded. :D
> I'd really appreciate your help getting Mapnik 3 fixed.

Thank you very much for a very quick response and helpful answers!

Best regards,

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