debian-dpkg Jul 2007 by subject
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[long] Dpkg Team Organisation/Status
Accepted dpkg 1.14.5 (source i386 all)
Commit access to the new git ? Uploader status ?
Committ access for translation
Developing the idea behind localepurge
Re: Don't send commit to the main list
Dpkg Meeting
dpkg_1.14.5_alpha.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_ia64.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_mips.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_mipsel.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_s390.changes ACCEPTED
dpkg_1.14.5_sparc.changes ACCEPTED
New Git repository
overthrow mystical
Please reclone dpkg's Git repository
Re: Recovering dpkg's history and switching to a distributed VCS
Re: Texinfo vs. Debian install-info, new upstream texinfo
Ubuntu dpkg 1.14.5ubuntu2
The last update was on 06:54 GMT Fri May 24. There are 42 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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