debian-devel Jun 2022 by thread
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Bug#1012720: ITP: golang-k8s-apimachinery -- Handle Kubernetes-like API objects Domenico Andreoli
Bug#1012740: ITP: ffcv -- Fast Forward Computer Vision (and other ML workloads) Gürkan Myczko
Bug#1012745: ITP: python-workalendar -- Worldwide holidays and working days helper and toolkit Michael Fladischer
Bug#1012761: ITP: shtab -- generator for shell tab completion files for python projects Felix Moessbauer
Bug#1012781: ITP: elpa-geiser-guile -- guile language support for elpa-gesier Diane Trout
Bug#1012788: ITP: elpa-geiser-chez -- chez language support for elpa-geiser Diane Trout
Bug#1012796: ITP: golang-github-cli-go-gh -- Go module for interacting with gh and the GitHub API from the command line Anthony Fok
Re: is temporarily offline Marco Trevisan
Bug#1012834: ITP: elpa-geiser-chicken -- Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols Diane Trout
guile-cairo Tommi Höynälänmaa
Bug#1012837: ITP: qoi -- “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression Gürkan Myczko
Bug#1012839: ITP: ros-catkin-tools -- Command line tools for catkin workspaces Timo Röhling
Using a build profile on a buildd build Scott Talbert
Bug#1013092: ITP: python3-sphinx-autosummary-accessors -- sphinx autosummary extension to pandas or xarray accessors Diane Trout
Work-needing packages report for Jun 17, 2022 wnpp
enabling link time optimizations in package builds Matthias Klose
Bug#1013110: ITP: rapiddisk -- Linux RAM Drive and Caching kernel modules (DKMS) Gürkan Myczko
Bug#1013111: ITP: mepp-gui -- 3D MEsh Processing Platform Gürkan Myczko
ITP: BabaSSL -- BabaSSL is a base library for modern cryptography and communication security protocols. Lance Lin
Bug#1013134: node-c8 output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage Vinay Keshava
php8.1 ? admin4
Bug#1013151: ITP: ros2-test-interface-files -- Test interface files for ROS 2 Timo Röhling
Bug#1013164: ITP: freenom-dns-updater -- Tool written in Python to update Freenom DNS records Ben Westover
Bug#1013173: ITP: golang-github-invopop-yaml -- better way to marshal and unmarshal YAML in Golang Anthony Fok
Bug#1013176: ITP: group-service -- Manage local user groups via DBus Mike Gabriel
Bug#1013177: ITP: mate-user-admin -- MATE User Manager Mike Gabriel
Bug#1013194: ITP: django-rich -- Extensions for using Rich with Django Carsten Schoenert
Bug#1013224: ITP: qt6-languageserver -- An implementation of the Language Server Protocol Patrick Franz
Bug#1013239: ITP: python-gflanguages -- language-support categorization of the font families in the Google Fonts collection Agathe Porte
Bug#1013240: ITP: libinfluxdb-http-perl -- Perl way to interact with InfluxDB. Gabriel Filion
Bug#1013251: ITP: ani-cli -- watch anime from the commandline matthias . geiger1024
Bug#1013289: ITP: glibmm2.68 Jeremy Bicha
Bug#1013290: ITP: filespooler -- Sequential, Distributed, POSIX-Style Job Queues John Goerzen
Bug#1013292: ITP: git-of-theseus -- Analyze git repositories and create fancy plots Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Bug#1013296: ITP: geiser-chibi -- chibi language support for elpa-gesier Diane Trout
Bug#1013297: ITP: geiser-mit -- MIT/GNU Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols Diane Trout
Bug#1013317: ITP: python3-banking -- FinTS banking application suitable for small screens Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Bug#1013323: ITP: python-isosurfaces -- Compute isolines/isosurfaces of scalar fields Timo Röhling
Bug#1013339: ITP: rust-oxiri -- validation and relative resolution of IRIs Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013345: ITP: west -- Description: meta tool for Zephyr RTOS Zygmunt Krynicki
Bug#1013346: ITP: rust-criterion -- statistics-driven micro-benchmarking Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013352: ITP: rust-oxhttp -- very simple implementation of HTTP 1.1 Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013354: ITP: rust-oxilangtag -- language tag normalization and validation Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013357: ITP: rust-nom-bibtex -- BibTeX parser using nom Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013361: ITP: ruptime -- poor man's ruptime Gürkan Myczko
Bug#1013369: ITP: qt-qgnomeplatform -- natively integrate qt programs into the Gnome desktop matthias . geiger1024
Bug#1013425: ITP: wnpp -- Python Airspeed is a powerful templating engine compatible with Velocity for Java Felix Moessbauer
Bug#1013428: ITP: visitor -- A tiny library to facilitate visitor implementation in Python Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
Work-needing packages report for Jun 24, 2022 wnpp
Bug#1013676: ITP: rust-rustls-native-certs -- rustls use of platform native certificate store Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013751: ITP: dyff -- diff tool for YAML files 陳昌倬
Bug#1013759: ITP: golang-github-mattn-go-ciede2000 -- Go implementation of the CIE Delta E 2000 Color-Difference algorithm 陳昌倬
Bug#1013799: ITP: phosh-mobile-settings -- Application to configure mobile settings for Phosh Guido Günther
Bug#1013874: ITP: django-cte -- Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Django Edward Betts
Bug#1013883: ITP: golang-github-gonvenience-bunt -- true color output in terminals 陳昌倬
Bug#1013884: ITP: golang-github-gonvenience-neat -- create neat strings like colored YAML output 陳昌倬
Bug#1013897: ITP: cfn-lint -- Validate AWS CloudFormation yaml/json templates against the AWS CloudFormation Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo
Package uploads silently discarded: how to investigate? Ben Finney
Bug#1013913: ITP: rust-tokio-rustls -- asynchronous TLS/SSL streams for Tokio using Rustls Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013914: ITP: flask-talisman -- HTTP security headers for Flask Edward Betts
Bug#1013915: ITP: rust-hyper-rustls -- rustls+hyper integration for pure rust HTTPS Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1013919: ITP: dj-database-url -- Use Database URLs in your Django Application Edward Betts
Bug#1013923: ITP: python-banal -- Commons of banal micro-functions for Python Edward Betts
Bug#1013925: ITP: clapper -- Simple and modern GNOME media player josch
Bug#1013927: ITP: golang-github-arran4-golang-ical -- A ICS / ICal parser and serialiser for Golang. Robin Jarry
Bug#1013928: ITP: golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth -- A Go library and tools for DKIM, DMARC and Authentication-Results Robin Jarry
Bug#1013941: ITP: python-jschema-to-python -- generate Python classes from a JSON schema Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo
Bug#1013945: ITP: flake8-black -- flake8 plugin to call black as a code style validator Edward Betts
GSConnect GNOME Shell extension package Bruno Kleinert
Bug#1013966: ITP: golang-github-emersion-go-milter -- Go library to write mail filters Robin Jarry
Bug#1013971: ITP: ormar -- async ORM with fastapi in mind and pydantic validation Edward Betts
no sha sums in openstack testing admin4
Bug#1013980: ITP: pytest-golden -- Plugin for pytest that offloads expected outputs to data files Edward Betts
Bug#1013992: ITP: session-migration -- tool to migrate in user session settings Jeremy Bicha
Re: questionable massive auto-removal: buggy deps nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 Bastian Venthur
Bug#1014029: invisible malicious unicode in source code - detection and prevention Patrick Schleizer
Bug#1014039: ITP: xyzservices -- Source of XYZ tiles providers Edward Betts
Lintian breaks existing lintian-overrides due to added [] Andreas Tille
Bug#1014049: ITP: rust-leptonica-sys -- FFI bindings for Leptonica Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1014050: ITP: rust-tesseract-sys -- Rust bindings for Tesseract OCR Jonas Smedegaard
Re:Re: Concerns about Security of packages in Debain OS and the Operating system itself. Ravi Dwivedi
Bug#1014055: ITP: pdm-pep517 -- Yet another PEP 517 backend for PDM projects Boyuan Yang
Bug#1014072: ITP: python-srt -- Python library to handle SRT subtitle files Timo Röhling
Bug#1014075: ITP: python-mapbox-earcut -- Python bindings for the Mapbox Earcut library Timo Röhling
Bug#1014092: ITP: alass -- automatic language-agnostic subtitle synchronization Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1014093: ITP: vobsubocr -- subtitle converter from DVD VOB to SRT Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1014096: ITP: rust-common-failures -- ergonomic helpers for failure Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1014097: ITP: rust-vobsub -- decode DVD VobSub-format subtitles Jonas Smedegaard
is rust-failure a heisen-package? Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1014116: ITP: node-data-uri-to-buffer -- Generate a Buffer instance from a Data URI string Michael Ikwuegbu
Bug#1014123: ITP: apprise -- Push notifications that work with just about every platform Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
Bug#1014129: ITP: cognitive-complexity -- Library to calculate Python functions cognitive complexity via code Edward Betts
The last update was on 12:49 GMT Tue Jan 02. There are 219 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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