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Package uploads silently discarded: how to investigate?

Howdy all,

For many weeks, my package uploads have been silently discarded. I have
some guesses as to why but I can't find any concrete report saying so.

Typically I'll receive an email message to my maintainer email address
saying the package is being processed, and later a message saying it's
succeeded or failed.

By “silently discarded”, I mean that an upload of a package – whether
source package or binary package, and whether using ‘dput’ or FTP
commands directly – succeeds, then soon afterward the files no longer
appear in the ‘/pub/UploadQueue/’ directory; then there is no further
communication from the Debian archive infrastructure.

My guess is that this is something to do with an update to the signing
GnuPG key expiry date. I can get into that in a different thread if
needed. The trouble is, I can only guess, because there are no messages
from anything in the Debian archive telling me what went wrong.

In this thread I want to discover: How can I find out what's happening
and why the Debian archive is no longer sending me any email messages
about my package uploads?

 \         “The enjoyment of one's tools is an essential ingredient of |
  `\             successful work.” —Donald Knuth, _The Art of Computer |
_o__)                                                     Programming_ |
Ben Finney

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