debian-arm Nov 2010 by thread
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Bug#602424: elmerfem: More armel qreal trouble Adam C Powell IV
Embedded and ARM Debian Sprint Hector Oron
How to boot Debian from NFS server on SheevaPlug? Werfberg Veldhoven
Re: DSO linking changes for wheezy Roger Leigh
Re: Bug#602671: postgresql-9.0: FTBFS on armel/lenny-backports-sloppy Gerfried Fuchs
Re: Arm blacklist for package MLton Hector Oron
Re: SheevaPlug install hangs at "Configuring linux-image-2.6.32-5-kirkwood" Sander
sheeva plug usb install Stewart McLay
pb when upgrading debian on sheeva "bad magic number" or "kernel panic" Laurent Lesage
Re: [Qnap TS-210] don't boot anymore Martin Michlmayr
Bug #522583: fping broken on some arm systems? Niko Tyni
latest version of qt Dennis Kerrisk
Re: Bug#522583: fping broken on some arm systems? Niko Tyni
Re: Bug#604013: base: "ls -al" on armel inside loopback mounted ISO image failes with -1 ENOMEM Holger Levsen
Emdebian ARM Sprint Hector Oron
Re: Emdebian ARM Sprint Adrian Bunk
ARM GPU non-free drivers Wookey
arm to armel and the missing ingredients Jeffrey Green
[sprint] openembedded / dpkg-cross-buildpackage hybrid Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Installing debian on exotic HW Marek Šimon
where is Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Bricked N2100 John Ashby
Bricked Thecus N2100 John Ashby
Bricked Thecus N2100 - update John Ashby
Re: ARM: OMAP2+ flavour Martin Michlmayr
openrd / t5325 XGI xorg driver Rtp
The last update was on 12:57 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 127 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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