debian-sparc Sep 2006 by subject

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Re: 64-bit iptables and netfilter problems [D-I] mass kernel udeb update and preparations for RC1 [D-I] Switching initrd filesystem (was: mass kernel udeb update and preparations for RC1) aesthetic Just Girls and splendiferous Lady from Your ! AW: One more BogoMIPS Re: Booting "Etch" on older hardware Church Debian on Ultrasparc 1/170E debian sparc net install problems to SunBlade 100 Debian's install CD can't boot up system under Sun Sparc platform Re: delivery failed Download Debian Sparc Etch install on Raid5 Fans at full speed on blade 1000 with kernel 2.6 fdisk for huge partitions FINAL NOTIFICATION Full Duplex in Happy Meal Network interface FVWM on Tatung COMPstation U10 GET YOUR UNIVERSITY{} DIPLOMA Re: Giovane teen facciono primo sesso nella vita qui Graphical Log In Help how can I install debian on a raid volume ? I: how can I install debian on a raid volume ? Installation manual updates Installing new kernel 2.6.17 on Ultra5 Installing sarge on Sunfire E420r : any hint? Is it possible to update OBP while running Debian? just to let you know kernel 2.6.14 on ultra 10 Moggi, com'e triste il declino mono on sparc Netinst fails for Sparc Network interfaces at 100 Full duplex ntpd and debian-sparc OBP recognising 0,0 in A5000 (not) OBP recognising 0,0 in A5000 (success) Odd boot problem - SunBlade 100 One more Please provide vserver flavour(s) for sparc please rebuild python-scipy-core Re: Problems on Blade 1000 after etch instalation qlogic qla2200f/66 R: Installing sarge on Sunfire E420r : any hint? Reliability of Linux kernel on sun4d Running sun4d (SPARCserver etc.) SMP Soprot for expert 3d on xorg 7? Sun Enterprise Server Sun Fire 280R - kernel config for PGX64 a total must see GCM E U1 && network speed udev renaming interfaces fails on SunBlade100 with qfe Ultra II: kernel upgrade - silo doesn't boot Unable to boot daily netboot image Video and mouse/keyboard questions vserver kernel packages for sparc/sparc64 running linux vserver-enabled kernels for sparc64 weird problems installing debian sarge or etch on Netra X1 working usb-card? Wrong config in official Debian sparc kernels? 7.1 available in unstable The last update was on 06:06 GMT Thu Jun 27. There are 156 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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