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Re: Is it possible to update OBP while running Debian?

On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 02:00:28PM +0200, Admar Schoonen wrote:
> Ultra 5 and Ultra 10 are IDE machines. I don't know if they can boot from SCSI
> or FC directly, so I don't know if upgrading the firmware will fix that. In case
> you want to try upgrading, you could try to go to http://www.sun.com and enter
> 'prom ultra 5' (without the quotes) in the search box. One of the hits should
> be a link to patch 106121-18
> (http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-21-106121-18-1), which is
> the latest firmware (OBP 3.31.0, POST 3.1.0, OBDIAG P2.9). You can download the
> firmware there (need to register, but registration is for free iirc).
> I just upgraded OBP on my Ultra 5 last week (needed to update OBP to recognize
> a 360 MHz cpu instead of the original 270 MHz cpu). A friend of mine had set up
> a rarp and tftp server, and I could just 'boot net' the firmware image to flash
> it. I'm sorry I can't help you with setting up rarp/tftp servers.

Oh, I forgot to add: you need to set jumper 2 to write enable, to allow flashing
the PROM chip. Other than that, it's really trivial to do.


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