debian-powerpc Jun 2015 by thread
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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt? Michael Felt
Q: Debian ppc boot with pearpc Hideki Yamane
Donation: PowerBook G3 Wallstreet Olaf Hering
Donation: EFIKA board Olaf Hering
Debian 8 on Late 2005 G5, Graphics Issues Dylan
ppc64 and ppc64el virtual machines available for developers Breno Leitao
8.1 lightdm issues Herminio Hernandez, Jr.
Donation: PowerBook G3 Pismo Olaf Hering
Reg:Powerpc MPC 8641D support. Sureshvs
mac G5 running YDL 6.2 Jonni O'Gorman
Debian ppc64 8.1.0 reformats USB Stick szukw000
debian base system on mac G5 - what next? Jonni O'Gorman
Re: Re: Bug#713943: Lack of i2c_powermac module may be the cause Fuk Hed
Help with Debian Site Herminio Hernandez Jr
startx goes to black screen with mouse pointer Jonni O'Gorman
Macola software Users Email list Netty Baker
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