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Re: Debian 8 on Late 2005 G5, Graphics Issues

Hi Peter,

I get it.  What you describe is in the plans — and thanks very much for the detailed directions; it’s pretty much what I had planned to do myself, but it’s always nice to have confirmation.  Actually, even better, I plan to re-install with stock-out-of-the-box Jessie plus your tweaked kernel.  The only reason I had Sid installed at all was my search for a working nouveau.

The reason for the previous test was because it was easy to do and I (mis-)interpreted you as wanting to know how that particular combination worked out in my case.  Sorry for the noise!

Now that we have a working theory as to why nouveau fails, I’m happy to use a supported stable (Jessie) system with a slightly tweaked kernel — rather than an avowedly unstable setup with a stock kernel that doesn’t have a prayer of working.

In the long run, somebody (with better kernel coding skills than me) needs to fix the nouveau driver to work with 64K pagesize.  However, I suspect that will be considerably harder than configuring the current kernel to use 4K pagesize, as a short-term workaround.

I’ll definitely report on how things work on my hardware with your kernel, but it will have to wait til after the weekend.  4th of July == US Independence Day == lots of neighborhood/family/etc parties and celebrations == no time for playing with computers.  

I’m looking forward to sending a report soon!

On Jun 30, 2015, at 2:56 AM, Peter Saisanas <psaisanas@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rick,
> You cant get nouveau working with your current kernel. Period.
> It doesn't matter what kernel options or module options you pass, nouveau with acceleration just doesn't currently work with a 64kb     pagesize kernel.
> You are falling back to the openfirmware framebuffer. I have told you to disable nouveau because it just wont work with your current kernel config for xorg, but for the console it doesnt matter. 
> Please install the kernel deb package for 3.18.16 i have provided from the link i have given previously.
> It has been configured to work immediately without requiring any kernel options appended and even doesnt require an xorg config.
> The beauty of KMS!
> After installing the kernel deb files, create a new kernel boot entry in yaboot.conf and run "ybin -v" afterwards. Make sure you re-enable nouveau by taking it off the blacklist and only add modules "snd-aoa-i2sbus" and "i2c-powermac" to /etc/modules. This should get audio along with windfarm running. Update your initrd by running "update-initramfs -u".
> Reboot to the 3.18.16 kernel you just installed. It should just work!
> If you are hell bent on getting the latest kernel running, i can try building the absolute latest stable kernel. The most recent one i have tried successfully  is 4.0.2 but if you want something even newer, ill look into it.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> Install the kernel
> On 30/06/15 19:23, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> On Jun 30, 2015, at 1:09 AM, Rick Thomas <rbthomas@pobox.com>
>>  wrote:
>>>> You would be better off not appending any options to yaboot.conf and blacklisting nouveau for now.
>>> I’ll give that a try!
>> Here’s what happens when I blacklist kernel module nouveau and set the append in yaboot.conf to just plain “ ro”.  I’m attaching /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.0.log incase they have clues.  I notice some mentions of “nouveau” in the Xorg.0.log file.  Is this expected?
>> Thanks!
>> Rick

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