debian-powerpc Feb 2000 by thread
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Will Debian run on a PowerMac 6100 (nubus)? Terence Chew
booting from openfirmware gsteele
getting a kernel to recognize scsi on a ppc 7200 David P. Reese Jr.
w3m Josh Huber
libgc4: broken on PowerPC C.M. Connelly
Lombard install, what now? Jefferson Provost
mouse button mapping with Xpmac & USB mice Fritz Jetzek
Re: nmap james
Bug#57379: Renaud Dreyer
New kernel packages available - PLEASE test! Daniel Jacobowitz
booting the base system. Logan Hall
Bug#57600: PowerPC port of tkstep8.0 has broken dependencies, and breaks many tk applications Renaud Dreyer
VERY preliminary boot floppies available for testing Daniel Jacobowitz
telnet problem GRAVE Xavier
mpg123 endianness Geert Uytterhoeven
swap partitions Logan Hall
Need Help installing on PowerMac downloading to PC Josh Kuperman
dselect tutorial Logan Hall
Re: Bug#57121: [Re: w3m] Fumitoshi UKAI
random mol 603e kernel questions pgf
PowerPC bootdisks for potato release. Brendan J Simon
Re: Bug#57565: lprng: Can't be installed because of broken dependencies Craig Small
New QUIK; Please test it Hartmut Koptein
Linux 2.3.41, 2.3.42... Broken on PowerPC (Can't be compiled) Patrick Lerda
pdisk and OS9 telkis
Install error Logan Hall
feedback on speak-freely for Debian ppc (next release) Sergio Brandano
feedback on Kernel 2.2.15pre for the Lombard Sergio Brandano
Whats the deal with David P. Reese Jr.
almost there, X config now.. and fixing all the errors Logan Hall
FBDev X and Graphics David P. Reese Jr.
More about Xpmac David P. Reese Jr.
Re: [Whats the deal with] jeramy b smith
need G4 kernel and yaboot David P. Reese Jr.
Kernel: repeatable hang in 2.2.15pre7, atyfb issues Adam C Powell IV
Can't compile fsviewer 0.2.3 source deb on PowerPC Renaud Dreyer
Wierd X problems Logan Hall
groff outdated on PPC, dselect again Ethan Benson
PowerPC Install docs Derek Schrock
<no subject> Derek Schrock
resc1440.bin Installation woes espresso_fiend
What's the Best Way to Upgrade My C Libraries? C.M. Connelly
kernel wont boot on my g4 David P. Reese Jr.
New PPC X server alpha Michel Dänzer
the G4 works great, trouble with usb mouse though David P. Reese Jr.
tik / gaim wierdness Logan Hall
spontaneous reboot? Ethan Benson
Mac-on-Linux SIGWALT Frank
miBoot and MPW james
PowerPC in little endian mode Patrick Lerda
Still can't get accelerated console with aty128fb! Renaud Dreyer
problem with gconv-modules David P. Reese Jr.
Need modules to finish installation Josh Kuperman
Feedback on swiprolog Sergio Brandano
How do I fortify Netscape run under Debian? Renaud Dreyer
New PPC X server alpha (brown paper bag update) Michel Dänzer
Yaboot vs BootX FASSINO Jean-Philippe
Performa PPC 7100 Mario Menezes
Re: Performa PPC 6400 (was 7100) Mario Menezes
List of Web pages explaining concrete installs? Stephane Bortzmeyer
More feedback Sergio Brandano
More feedback (2) Sergio Brandano
[PowerMac] pdisk for Debian? Stephane Bortzmeyer
wierd virtual console problem, and rc problems. Logan Hall
package update lag on powerpc Ethan Benson
[POWERMAC 7200] SCSI adapter not found by Debian's kernel? Stephane Bortzmeyer
freeamp and gdb C.M. Connelly
Re: gdb: Won't compile on PowerPC Kevin Puetz
Patch for GDB Kevin Puetz
3.9.18 PPC X server Michel Dänzer
Who's Who List for PowerPC Linux Jeramy B Smith
More feedback (4) Sergio Brandano
Re: aspell on PowerPC (Was: Release-critical Bugreport for February 18, 2000 Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
Unofficial Developers Directory (was Who's Who List) J Smith
debian-powerpc list archive? telkis
on trace error in swiprolog: anyone? Sergio Brandano
where can i find ? Logan Hall
initial xserver set up and Xclaim VR card - TV tuner Josh Kuperman
yaboot on sawtooth G4 pohl
IMPORTANT: [boot-floppies] Path name changes Randolph Chung
Storm Linux 2000 Björn Johansson
misc gnome question pgf
Where is libiberty.h? (trying to compile MOL on Debian) Renaud Dreyer
.Xdefaults and emacs Logan Hall
Can't compile MOL 0.9.41 on Debian PowerPC Renaud Dreyer
The last update was on 20:18 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 393 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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