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[BTS] templates://isight-firmware-tools/{templates} #505655 [ITR] templates://bugzilla/{bugzilla3.templates} [ITR] templates://emacspeak-ss/{templates} [ITR] templates://emacspeak/{templates} [ITR] templates://isight-firmware-tools/{templates} [ITR] templates://unattended-upgrades/{templates} [LCFC] templates://bugzilla/{bugzilla3.templates} [LCFC] templates://emacspeak-ss/{templates} [LCFC] templates://emacspeak/{templates} [LCFC] templates://isight-firmware-tools/{templates} [RFR] apf-firewall package [RFR] fex package [RFR] mod-spamhaus package [RFR] templates://bugzilla/{bugzilla3.templates} [RFR] templates://emacspeak/{templates} [RFR] templates://isight-firmware-tools/{templates} [RFR] templates://unattended-upgrades/{templates} [RFR] upgrade-advisor [TAF] templates://isight-firmware-tools/{templates} [TAF] templates://unattended-upgrades/{templates} masqmail spelling mistake Re: Please review latest issue of the Debian Project News Please review the Debian Installer errata file Please review the Debian Installer for Lenny RC1 announcement Please review the Debian Installer home page Regarding po-debconf for isight-firmware-tools Re: Review request for twiki-ldapcontrib's debconf templates The last update was on 06:03 GMT Sun May 26. There are 61 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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