This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf templates for emacspeak-ss. The reviewed templates will be sent on Friday, November 28, 2008 to the package maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag. PS: the templates are the same the emacspeak templates. See the thread for that package. This mail is mostly intended to have tracking robots updated. --
Template: shared/emacspeak/fake Type: select Choices: ${choices} Description: Which packages have installed speech servers? This template is never shown to the user and does not require translation. Template: shared/emacspeak/device Type: select Choices: ${choices} _Description: Default speech server: The file /etc/emacspeak.conf will be configured so that the command "/usr/bin/emacspeak" will start emacs with emacspeak support using this server. You may change the selection later by running "dpkg-reconfigure emacspeak" as root, or temporarily override the selection by setting the environment variable DTK_PROGRAM. If you want to use a server in a separate package, which does not appear in the list, just accept the default now, and you should be asked again when that other package is installed. Default: DECtalk Express Template: shared/emacspeak/port Type: string # "none" must remain in english _Description: hardware port: If a hardware device is used to generate speech, enter the Unix device file associated with it. For example, "/dev/ttyS0" or "/dev/ttyUSB0" (but without the quotation marks). For software generated speech, enter "none". Template: shared/emacspeak/invalidport Type: error _Description: ERROR: ${port} is not a character special device. Template: shared/emacspeak/groupies Type: string _Description: Users of speech server: Users must be members of group ${group} to access the speech server connected to ${port}. Please review the following space-separated list of members, and add or remove usernames if needed. . For a user whose account doesn't exist yet, please reconfigure emacspeak after creating the account, with the command . dpkg-reconfigure emacspeak . or manually enroll the user in ${group} with the command . adduser ${group} mary . Group membership is checked at login time, so new members must log out and log in again before using the speech server. Template: shared/emacspeak/invaliduser Type: error _Description: Skipping invalid username ${user}. There is no user named ${user}, so no such user could be added to ${group}. Template: shared/emacspeak/rootgroup Type: error _Description: ERROR: no normal user can use ${port}. Since the speech device is connected to ${port}, normal users must have permission to read and write that device. Please change its mode with "chmod a+rw ${port}" or its group with "chown root.dialout ${port}", then configure emacspeak again with "dpkg-reconfigure emacspeak". Template: shared/emacspeak/program Type: string Description: for internal use This template is never shown to the user and does not require translation. This variable holds the path to the speech server, relative to /usr/share/<flavor>/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers. Template: shared/emacspeak/tcl Type: string Description: for internal use This template is never shown to the user and does not require translation. This variable holds the path to the interpreter if any used to run the speech server. Template: shared/emacspeak/database Type: select Choices: ${choices} Description: for internal use This template is never shown to the user and does not require translation. This variable holds all the available choices for speech servers, and the corresponding values of "program", "tcl", and "device" for the above variables.
Source: emacspeak-ss Section: editors Priority: extra Maintainer: James R. Van Zandt <> Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5), po-debconf Standards-Version: 3.8.0 Package: emacspeak-ss Architecture: any Replaces: emacspeak-dt, emacspeak-dt-tcl, emacspeak-bs-tcl Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, emacspeak(>=28.0), tcl8.4, tclx8.4, adduser, debconf Description: Emacspeak speech server for several synthesizers emacspeak-ss is an interface between Emacspeak and any of several speech synthesizers: DoubleTalk PC version 5.20 or later (internal), DoubleTalk LT version 4.20 or later (serial port version), LiteTalk version 4.20 or later, Braille 'n Speak, Type 'n Speak, Braille Lite, Apollo 2 from Dolphin, or Accent SA. If you have a DoubleTalk PC, you also need the dtlk device driver - either the module or compiled into your kernel. (Note that versions 2.2.16 and earlier of the Linux kernel sources have a bug in the dtlk device driver.)
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