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[RFR] templates://isight-firmware-tools/{templates}

Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for the isight-firmware-tools source package.

This review will last from Friday, November 07, 2008 to Monday, November 17, 2008.

(indeed, I'll speed it up much more than this)

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, the reviewed templates will be sent to the package maintainer
as a bug report, and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as
a subject tag.

--- ../isight-firmware-tools.old/debian/templates	2008-11-07 06:38:28.249088307 +0100
+++ debian/templates	2008-11-07 06:43:46.229275194 +0100
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Extract firmware from Apple driver?
- Ensure you have access to the AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file. If not
- disable firmware extraction, you can retry it later.
+ If you choose this option, please make sure that you have access to
+ the AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file.

Make sentences.

The second sentence is....impossible to understand. I think that the
point is saying that "if you do not choose this option, you can retry
later" which is:
- not true: the debconf scripts do not give this option
- obvious for people who knoow how to run dpkg-reconfigure

I propose dropping this and just tell that choosing the option
requires having the driver file handy.

 Template: isight-firmware-tools/driver-location
 Type: string
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@
 Template: isight-firmware-tools/file_not_exist
 Type: note
-_Description: An input file name doesn't exist
- Finished without extracting firmware.
+_Description: Apple driver file not found
+ The file you specified does not exist. The firmware extraction is
+ aborted.

Note title unintelligible. I propose just giving the facts. The file
was not found.

We have not "finished" as the extraction failed....

 Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_success
 Type: text
-_Description: Extract success
- Extract success. Enjoy iSigiht!.
+_Description: Firmware extracted successfully
+ The iSight firmware has been extracted successfully.

Be factual.

 Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_fail
 Type: text
-_Description: Extract fail
- Extract fail. This firmware does not support
- or the file which you chose is not firmware.
+_Description: Failed to extract firmware
+ The firmware extraction failed. Please check that the file you
+ specified is a valid firmware file.

More common wording and grammar/tense corrections.

--- ../isight-firmware-tools.old/debian/control	2008-11-07 06:38:28.249088307 +0100
+++ debian/control	2008-11-07 06:44:57.205244509 +0100
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 Package: isight-firmware-tools
 Architecture: i386 amd64
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, hal
-Description: Built-in Apple iSight Firmware Tools
- Apple Built-in iSight require a firmware that can be extracted from
- Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This projet provide tools for extracting
+Description: tools dealing with Apple iSight Firmware

Leading lowercase letter

While reading this the first time, I wondered "built in *what*?". So I
propose removing that part and just say that the package provides "tools"

+ Apple Built-in iSight requires a firmware that can be extracted from
+ the Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This package provides tools for extracting
  the firmware from the driver and install udev rules and tools to
  automatically load the firmware once needed.

Could also be "Apple's built-in iSight".....but, btw, what is that

What provides the tools is the package, not the projeCt.....

  A convenient tool for converting firmware binary to Intel HEX format
  is provided as well. This might be useful later for use with a
- generic firmware loader like fxload.
+ generic firmware loader such as fxload.

s/like/such as (am I right?)


Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Extract firmware from Apple driver?
 If you choose this option, please make sure that you have access to
 the AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file.

Template: isight-firmware-tools/driver-location
Type: string
Default: /MacOSX/System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBVideoSupport.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBVideoSupport
_Description: Apple driver file location:

Template: isight-firmware-tools/file_not_exist
Type: note
_Description: Apple driver file not found
 The file you specified does not exist. The firmware extraction is

Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_success
Type: text
_Description: Firmware extracted successfully
 The iSight firmware has been extracted successfully.

Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_fail
Type: text
_Description: Failed to extract firmware
 The firmware extraction failed. Please check that the file you
 specified is a valid firmware file.
--- ../isight-firmware-tools.old/debian/templates	2008-11-07 06:38:28.249088307 +0100
+++ debian/templates	2008-11-07 06:43:46.229275194 +0100
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Extract firmware from Apple driver?
- Ensure you have access to the AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file. If not
- disable firmware extraction, you can retry it later.
+ If you choose this option, please make sure that you have access to
+ the AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file.
 Template: isight-firmware-tools/driver-location
 Type: string
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@
 Template: isight-firmware-tools/file_not_exist
 Type: note
-_Description: An input file name doesn't exist
- Finished without extracting firmware.
+_Description: Apple driver file not found
+ The file you specified does not exist. The firmware extraction is
+ aborted.
 Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_success
 Type: text
-_Description: Extract success
- Extract success. Enjoy iSigiht!.
+_Description: Firmware extracted successfully
+ The iSight firmware has been extracted successfully.
 Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_fail
 Type: text
-_Description: Extract fail
- Extract fail. This firmware does not support
- or the file which you chose is not firmware.
+_Description: Failed to extract firmware
+ The firmware extraction failed. Please check that the file you
+ specified is a valid firmware file.
--- ../isight-firmware-tools.old/debian/control	2008-11-07 06:38:28.249088307 +0100
+++ debian/control	2008-11-07 06:44:57.205244509 +0100
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 Package: isight-firmware-tools
 Architecture: i386 amd64
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, hal
-Description: Built-in Apple iSight Firmware Tools
- Apple Built-in iSight require a firmware that can be extracted from
- Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This projet provide tools for extracting
+Description: tools dealing with Apple iSight Firmware
+ Apple Built-in iSight requires a firmware that can be extracted from
+ the Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This package provides tools for extracting
  the firmware from the driver and install udev rules and tools to
  automatically load the firmware once needed.
  A convenient tool for converting firmware binary to Intel HEX format
  is provided as well. This might be useful later for use with a
- generic firmware loader like fxload.
+ generic firmware loader such as fxload.
Source: isight-firmware-tools
Section: contrib/graphics
Priority: extra
Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes
Maintainer: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@nigauri.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, cdbs, dpatch, po-debconf, intltool, libglib2.0-dev, libgcrypt11-dev, libusb-dev, libhal-dev

Package: isight-firmware-tools
Architecture: i386 amd64
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, hal
Description: tools dealing with Apple iSight Firmware
 Apple Built-in iSight requires a firmware that can be extracted from
 the Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This package provides tools for extracting
 the firmware from the driver and install udev rules and tools to
 automatically load the firmware once needed.
 A convenient tool for converting firmware binary to Intel HEX format
 is provided as well. This might be useful later for use with a
 generic firmware loader such as fxload.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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