Hi, (Please CC me on your replies, thanks!) I would be glad if someone could have a quick look at the following descriptions: Description: web based service to send very big files F*EX (Frams' Fast File EXchange) is a service to send big (large, huge, giant) files from a user A to a user B, anywhere on the internet. . The sender uploads the file to the F*EX-server and the recipient automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL. . Main features of F*EX . * file transfer of virtually unlimited file size * recepient and sender only need an e-mail program and a web browser - of any kind, they do not have to install any software * RESEND and REGET for resuming after link failures at last sent byte * auto-notification of recipient * auto-deletion after download * auto-deletion after expiration date (default: 5 days) * full-users can create sub-users, who can send only to this full-user * maintenance-free: no admin interaction necessary besides creating new F*EX accounts * Sending to multiple recipients needs storage on the server only once * F*EX is a HTTP web-service and needs no firewall-tunnels * support for streams, too (SEX : Stream EXchange) * for real UNIX users, there are the shell programs fexsend and fexget to avoid annoying web browser usage Thanks. Giuseppe
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