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[RFR] upgrade-advisor


Could someone review the texts in upgrade-advisor.
I've attached the POT and README file, but you can commit modify to the
git repository[1] directly (if you are in the collab-maint group)

Thanks in advance,


P.S. please CC me in replies, since I'm not subscribed to the list.

[1] http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/upgrade-advisor.git;a=summary

# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-11-06 18:45+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:49
msgid ""
"  pre-upgrade     Test the system prior the upgrade, then display hints\n"
"                  to ensure seemless upagrade.\n"
"  post-upgrade    Test the system after the upgrade, then display hints\n"
"                  to get inline with freshly installed systems."
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:56
#, sh-format
msgid "Usage: $PACKAGE_NAME"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:57
msgid ""
" [pre-upgrade|post-upgrade] [options]\n"
"A simple tool to print some hints before upgrading Debian.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:63
msgid ""
"  -h, --help      Print this message and exit\n"
"  --version       Print script version and exit\n"
"  --verbose       Verbose messages\n"
"  --ignore-dist   Continue (ignore) if distribution isn't supported."
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:84 ../upgrade-advisor.sh:86
msgid "--"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:180
#, sh-format
msgid "Executable $x not found"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:196
msgid "Can't download file. no download tool detected (wget or curl)."
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:289
msgid "Invalid argument specified for --output=..."
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:290
msgid "-n"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:304
msgid "Invalid --debug argument: Function name expected (separated by commas)"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:332
msgid "No command were specified. valid commands are:"
msgstr ""

#: ../upgrade-advisor.sh:334
#, sh-format
msgid "see $PACKAGE_NAME -h to get further help."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-10_check_os:21
msgid "Incorrect OS distribution familly."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-10_check_os:23
msgid "The file /etc/debian_version is not detected"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-10_check_os:52
msgid "Incorrect distribution version."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-10_check_os:84
msgid "Checking Operating System."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-20_check_update_grub_path:5
msgid "Checking update-grub path in /etc/kernel-img.conf"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-20_check_update_grub_path:8
msgid "The path to update-grub in /etc/kernel-img.conf is wrong."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-20_etc_network_options_deprecated:5
msgid "Checking /etc/network/options migrated."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-20_etc_network_options_deprecated:8
msgid ""
"The content of /etc/network/options should be migrated to /etc/sysctl.conf."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-50_upgrade_to_rsyslog:6
msgid "Check packages klogd and sysklogd were upgraded to rsyslog."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/A-50_upgrade_to_rsyslog:9
msgid "ToDo: Install rsyslog, the new default syslog daemon."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-10_check_dpkg_audit:6
msgid "Checking partially installed packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-10_check_dpkg_audit:11
msgid "Some partially installed packages require attention:"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-15_check_apt_sources:7
msgid "Checking /etc/apt.sources"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-15_check_apt_sources:18
msgid "The file /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't contains security entries."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-15_check_apt_sources:19
msgid "Make sure you have up-to-date security updates installed."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-15_check_apt_sources:24
msgid ""
"The file /etc/apt/sources.list contains entries that are NOT recommended:"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-15_check_apt_sources:26
msgid "Debian Release Notes, paragraph 'Unofficial sources and backports'"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-15_check_apt_sources:27
msgid "and 'Checking system status' regarding third-party packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-25_dump_pkg_list:8
msgid "Retrieving installed packages data (this can take a while)."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_discontinued_packages:6
msgid "Check discontinued package, in next release."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_discontinued_packages:18
msgid "Check discontinued package in next release : Test skipped."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_etc_apt_preferences:4
msgid "Checking /etc/apt/preferences (APT pinning)."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_etc_apt_preferences:7
msgid "APT Pinning should be disabled."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_nonfree_contrib:7
msgid "Check contrib and non-free packages, since last release."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_nonfree_contrib:10
msgid "The following contrib or non-free packages were found."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_obsolete_packages:5
msgid "Checking installed packages, for obsolete packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_obsolete_packages:9
msgid "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages should be removed."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_obsolete_packages:10
#: ../plugins/B-35_check_orphan_packages:9
msgid "Debian Release Notes, paragraph 'Obsolete packages' :"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_orphan_packages:4
msgid "Checking installed packages, for orphan packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_orphan_packages:8
msgid "The following 'Orphaned Packages' have been reported by deborphan."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_orphan_packages:15
msgid "Deborphan not installed. SKIPPED."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_packages_status:4
msgid "Checking packages status."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_packages_status:7
msgid "Packages in invalid state."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_packages_status:14
msgid "Packages on hold, in aptitude."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-35_check_packages_status:24
msgid "Packages on hold, in dpkg and apt-get."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_hypervisor:4
msgid "Checking Hypervisor."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_hypervisor:10
msgid "The XEN hypervisor was detected."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_hypervisor:12
msgid "It usually requires special steps to upgrade the kernel."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_hypervisor:13 ../plugins/B-40_check_hypervisor:21
#: ../plugins/B-40_check_kernel:33
msgid "Verify kernel availablability/compatibility before upgrade."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_hypervisor:20
msgid "It may require additional configuration steps."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_kernel:5
msgid "Linux kernel 2.4 isn't supported anymore."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_kernel:23
msgid "Checking kernel and related packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_kernel:26
msgid "Skipping kernel tests: Could not detect the kernel type."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_kernel:32
msgid "Skipping kernel tests: This tool don't support the current kernel."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_udev:4
msgid "Checking /dev filesystem."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_udev:8
msgid ""
"The /dev is using defvs. This option is now unsuported. use udev instead."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_udev:9
msgid "Debian Release Notes, paragraph 'Converting from devfs' :"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-40_check_udev:14
msgid "Couldn't detect if /dev is actually using udev. Check this manually."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-70_check_aptitude:4
msgid "Checking the presence aptitude."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-70_check_aptitude:7
msgid "Aptitude is recommended for upgrade."
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/B-70_check_aptitude:8
msgid "Debian Release Notes, paragraph 'Upgrading packages' :"
msgstr ""

  upgrade-advisor is a modular tool that makes recommendations and/or
  print warnings for distribution upgrade.

  It is complementary to the Releases-Notes[1], not a replacement (RTFM).

Before upgrading

  You simply invoke `upgrade-advisor pre-upgrade`. This will perform two
  series of test :
  1. Report post-upgrade recommendations from the previous upgrade. Like
     detecting wrong path to update-grub in /etc/kernel-img.conf (for 
     systems that were upgraded from Sarge to Etch).
  2. Perform various pre-upgrade test. Currently, it especially focuses on
     warning for discontinued packages.
     But the long term goal is test all potential issues listed in the
     Release Notes[1]

After upgrading

  You simply invoke `upgrade-advisor post-upgrade`. This will perform some
  tests to ensure that steps listed in "Preparing for the next release" of
  the Release-Notes[1] are completed.

Writing a plug-in / Adding a test

  Read the README file in the plug-ins directory.

[1] http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/release-notes/

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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