The isight-firmware-tools package introduced new or modified debconf templates. This is the perfect moment for a review to help the package maintainer following the general suggested writing style and track down typos and errors in the use of English language. If someone wants to pick up this review, please answer to this mail, in the mailing list, with an [ITR] (Intent To Review) label. The templates file is attached. To propose the file you reviewed for peer review, please send a [RFR] (Request For Review) mail with the reviewed file attached...then a few days later, when no more contributions come, a summary mail with a [LCFC] (Last Chance For Comments) label. Finally, after no more comments coming to the LCFC mail, you can send the reviewed templates file as a bug report against the package. Then, please notify the list with a last mail using a [BTS] label with the bug number. Helping the package maintainer to deal with induced translation updates at that moment will be nice. If you're not comfortable with that part of the process, please hand it off to a translator. --
Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Extract firmware from Apple driver? If you choose this option, please make sure that you have access to the AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file. Template: isight-firmware-tools/driver-location Type: string Default: /MacOSX/System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBVideoSupport.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBVideoSupport _Description: Apple driver file location: Template: isight-firmware-tools/file_not_exist Type: note _Description: Apple driver file not found The file you specified does not exist. The firmware extraction is aborted. Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_success Type: text _Description: Firmware extracted successfully The iSight firmware has been extracted successfully. Template: isight-firmware-tools/extract_fail Type: text _Description: Failed to extract firmware The firmware extraction failed. Please check that the file you specified is a valid firmware file.
Source: isight-firmware-tools Section: contrib/graphics Priority: extra Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes Maintainer: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <> Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, cdbs, dpatch, po-debconf, intltool, libglib2.0-dev, libgcrypt11-dev, libusb-dev, libhal-dev Standards-Version: Package: isight-firmware-tools Architecture: i386 amd64 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, hal Description: tools dealing with Apple iSight Firmware Apple Built-in iSight requires a firmware that can be extracted from the Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This package provides tools for extracting the firmware from the driver and install udev rules and tools to automatically load the firmware once needed. . A convenient tool for converting firmware binary to Intel HEX format is provided as well. This might be useful later for use with a generic firmware loader such as fxload.
Description: Digital signature