debian-kde Apr 2012 by subject
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Akonadi GroupDAV resource
caldav options in kde 4.7.4
Re: Calligra plans
desktop effects suspended with latest nvidia packages
Re: Festplattentausch
Is okular unable to open gzipped PDFs?
Kaboom: Greek letters in Kontact
KDE 4.7 for squeeze
Re: konsole: Inappropriate ioctl for device
kwin using 100% CPU
Parallel boot breaks my Plasma Desktop Shell; KCrash tells about missing debug symbols
Reported (Re: KOrganizer is unusable after upgrade to 4.7.4)
RFS: RoboJournal
Timeline for Qt 4.8.1 ?
Unbreaking audiocd:/ again (was: Fwd: libneon27 0.29.6-1 breaks as well)
vlc-phonon some issue and kshisen crashes
The last update was on 13:24 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 45 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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