Re: kwin using 100% CPU
On April 21, 2012 07:05:56 AM Andreas Cord-Landwehr wrote:
> On Saturday 21 April 2012 05:42:31 Bruce Sass wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Kwin has started using 100% CPU when Desktop Effects are enabled right
> > after the non-free Nvidia driver in Unstable upgraded today (from 295.33
> > to 295.40).
> >
> > Is anyone else seeing that behaviour?
> > Anyone not using the non-free Nvidea driver seeing it?
> >
> > I'm guessing that it is Nvidia related. The last upgrade was a couple
> > weeks ago and this batch also pulled in new: libc, libstdc++, libx11,
> > linux-image, etc. so there is the possibility that Nvidia is not the
> > problem.
> Hi. If you are using Oxygen (i.e., standard setup for workspace
> appearance), try this as a workaround:
> System-Settings
> -> Workspace Appearance
> -> (Oxygen) Configure Decoration
> -> DISABLE "Enable animations"
> That worked for my office PC with non-free Nvidia drivers.
> Greetings,
> Andreas
I'm using B II for Window Decorations and Air for the Desktop Theme. Switching
to Oxygen Window Decorations with animation disabled still results in KDE
automatically disabling desktop effects.
It is the OpenGL compositing selection which is causing kwin to freak out, and
since Xrender works fine for the couple management effects I want (the rest is
just eye candy I usually disable anyways) I'll live with that for now (or
downgrade to 295.33 if the other user on this box complains :) ).
- Bruce
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