Re: Is okular unable to open gzipped PDFs?
On Thursday 19 April 2012 19:44:31 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On Thursday 19 April 2012 12:04:34 Stanley Schade wrote:
> > I'm running a Debian testing system with KDE 4.7.4. When I try to
> > open a file with the extension .pdf.gz with okular the following
> > error message
> >
> > shows up:
> >
> >
> > "Could not open /path/to/file.pdf.gz"
> [...]
> I've tried opening X.pdf.gz files from version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 and
> they all open fine here. When I compress a pdf file in Dolphin (with Ark)
> it turns into a X.pdf.tar.gz file and then I do get the error you're
> describing.
Thank you for your patience and your help, Diederik. By now I've figured out
the problem. When running okular from a terminal, it said:
$ okular /path/to/file.pdf.gz
okular(3581)/okular (app) Okular::Document::openDocument: No plugin for
mimetype '"text/x-matlab"'.
This reminded me of changes I made to /usr/share/doc/packages/freedesktop.xml
and possibly some other mime-related files. Reinstalling the package shared-
mime-info fixed the issue. However, using the command "mimetype" returned the
correct mimetype and so did the properties dialog which can be accessed by
right-clicking on the file in dolphin:
$ mimetype file.pdf.gz
file.pdf.gz: application/x-gzpdf
(Of course I checked that before reinstalling shared-mime-info.)
Thus, I still consider this to be strange behaviour of okular. In case I figure
out why it determined the wrong mimetype, I'll submit another post as a
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