Hi, ...I'm looking for a way to connect my debian kde 4.7.4 / kdepim 4.4.11 to a sogo server for shared calendars. Using the integrated groupDav plugin did not work (kontact is showing errors when accessing those calendars, but initial communication seems to work since I can select the desired calendar from the folder-list during configuration...). So I decided to use the calDav plugin from google (http://code.google.com/p/kcaldav, not maintained anymore). Using the plugin I can integrate the remote calendars and everything works fine (besides modifying existing entries...). *But* when using the the above package (which was built for a ubuntu version) kontact/korganizer crashes over and over again (multiple times and hour, maybe related to the synchronisation...). So is there a good way of using calDav in 4.7.4 without using the problematic calDav-plugin from google? Any other method of using remote-calendars from SOGo in kde? thanks and regards, Andy
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