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Re: Bug #909644: dockerd warning: failed to retrieve docker-runc version: unknown output format: runc version spec: 1.0.1 Re: Bug#909644: Bug #909644: dockerd warning: failed to retrieve docker-runc version: unknown output format: runc version spec: 1.0.1 Re: Bug#921351: [pkg-go] Bug#921351: prometheus-postfix-exporter: Init script missing Re: Bug#923300: ITP: golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder -- Builds Dockerfile using the Docker client Bug#923722: golang-github-appc-cni: Please upgrade to new upstream 0.7.0-alpha1 Bug#924095: ITP: golang-github-containernetworking-cni -- Container Network Interface - networking for Linux containers Bug#924098: ITP: golang-github-containerd-go-cni -- generic CNI library to provide APIs for CNI plugin interactions Bug#924257: Misses to install some golang packages Bug#924259: ITP: golang-github-spkg-bom -- Strip UTF-8 byte order marks. Bug#924274: ITP: golang-github-gokyle-fswatch -- go library for simple UNIX file system watching Bug#924280: ITP: golang-github-alcortesm-tgz -- Go library to extract tgz files to temporal directories. Bug#924618: ITP: golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config -- Go parser for ssh_config files Bug#924728: ITP: Upgrading golang-github-ghodss-yaml Bug#924783: ITP: golang-github-anmitsu-go-shlex -- A library to make a lexical analyzer like Unix shell for golang. Bug#924786: ITP: golang-github-michaeltjones-walk -- Fast parallel version of golang filepath.Walk() Bug#924893: ITP: golang-github-emirpasic-gods -- Implementation of various data structures and algorithms in Go. Bug#924917: ITP: golang-github-gliderlabs-ssh -- Easy SSH servers in Golang Bug#924918: ITP: golang-github-stvp-roll -- Simple(er) Rollbar client for Go Bug#924921: ITP: golang-github-nozzle-throttler -- Throttler fills the gap between sync.WaitGroup and manually monitoring your goroutines with channels. Bug#924922: ITP: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-billy.v4 -- The missing interface filesystem abstraction for Go Bug#924930: ITP: golang-github-cloudfoundry-jibber-jabber -- Cross Platform locale detection for Golang Bug#925466: ITP: golang-fyne-fyne -- Cross platform GUI in Go based on Material Design Bug#925502: ITP: golang-github-josephspurrier-goversioninfo -- Golang Microsoft Windows File Properties/Version Info and Icon Resource Generator Bug#926051: ITP: golang-github-jackmordaunt-icns -- Easily create .icns files (Mac Icons) with this Go library or the included CLI app. Bug#926054: ITP: golang-github-kodeworks-golang-image-ico -- Golang support for windows .ico file format. Bug#926076: goxkcdpwgen -- xkcd style password generator library and cli tool Bug#926077: ITP: golang-github-xrash-smetrics -- String metrics library written in Go. Bug#926080: ITP: golang-github-srwiley-rasterx -- Rasterx is an SVG 2.0 path compliant rasterizer. Bug#926089: ITP: golang-github-srwiley-oksvg -- Partial implementation of SVG 2.0 specification in golang. Bug#926095: ITP: golang-github-go-gl-gl -- Go bindings for OpenGL (generated via glow) Bug#926101: ITP: golang-github-go-gl-glfw -- Go bindings for GLFW 3 Bug#926107: ITP: golang-github-goki-freetype -- Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language. dh_auto_test failed because of changing dir dh_auto_test: newly built executable file not found in $PATH. dh_installman default directory for Go cmd Do go source packages normally contain test code? Forked repo and duplicate codes Good simple example of command package that also provides a library gopasspw packaging (#901133) Help in Testing gitlab-pages package Help on sending ITP How to use /usr/share/gocode? ratt: Could not find InRelease file RFS: easygen 3.0 & golang-github-go-easygen-easygen-dev RFS: easygen 4.0 & golang-github-go-easygen-easygen-dev RFS: golang-github-alcortesm-tgz/0.0~git20161220.9c5fe88-1 RFS: golang-github-anmitsu-go-shlex/0.0~git20161002.648efa6-1 RFS: golang-github-cloudfoundry-jibber-jabber/0.0~git20151120.bcc4c83-1 RFS: golang-github-emirpasic-gods/1.12.0-1 RFS: golang-github-fzambia-sentinel RFS: golang-github-gliderlabs-ssh/0.1.3-1 RFS: golang-github-gokyle-fswatch RFS: golang-github-jsimonetti-pwscheme RFS: golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config/0.5-1 RFS: golang-github-michaeltjones-walk/0.0~git20161122.4748e29-1 RFS: golang-github-nozzle-throttler/1.1-1 RFS: golang-github-spkg-bom RFS: golang-github-stvp-roll/0.0~git20170522.3627a5c-1 RFS: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-billy.v4/4.3.0-1 RFS: shoelaces Setup local git after the initial push statically-linked-binary error Updating golang packages Updating golang-github-ghodss-yaml Winding down my Debian involvement The last update was on 19:49 GMT Mon Jun 10. There are 130 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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