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Re: Bug#909644: Bug #909644: docker.io: dockerd warning: failed to retrieve docker-runc version: unknown output format: runc version spec: 1.0.1

On 3/6/19 4:55 PM, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
> This is not such a small and definitely undesirable overhead. Its purpose is 
> unclear, it requires manual step and sure enough it will be forgotten.
> Moreover it aims at the problem in another package.
> It is not runc's job to meet Docker expectations. 
> Also commit ID is probably useless anyway since we should attempt to always 
> shipped a tagged (pre-)release. Plus we have patches that make commit ID even 
> more irrelevant.
> Docker problem should be fixed in Docker.
> And clearly it is a Docker's problem to expect a very particular (bundled) 
> runc (for no good reason), and forever whine into logs about not having 
> that...

I think applying the patch to runc build as suggested by Shengjing is a
good solution for everyone, much better that what I initially proposed.

It doesn't involve any git commit, which wouldn't make sense as both of
you pointed out, and doesn't add any overhead.

The new output for `runc --version` after this patch looks like that:

  $ /usr/sbin/runc --version
  runc version 1.0.0~rc6+dfsg1
  commit: 1.0.0~rc6+dfsg1-3
  spec: 1.0.1

It's a bit hacky to display the debian version on the commit line, but
why not. I think it doesn't hurt either.

It also prevents to add any patch to docker, as after testing I can
confirm that docker doesn't complain anymore, at least for my use-case.
Docker is happy enough to have a line such as `commit:
1.0.0~rc6+dfsg1-3` in the output of `runc --version`. Apparently the
content of the line doesn't matter, as long as the line is there.

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