debian-wnpp Feb 2012 by subject

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Dizi&Program Reklam Teklifi [bts-link] source package wnpp Bug#140577: Adoption Bug#149568: marked as done (ITP: transcode -- A video stream processing tool) Bug#290350: marked as done (ITA: wmakerconf -- GTK+ based configuration tool for) Bug#311986: marked as done (RFP: scim-input-pad -- on-screen input pad IM engine module for SCIM) Bug#323420: Official Notice; The Google UK 13th Anniversary Giveaways Result! Bug#332498: OpenSSL debian package Bug#389591: ITP/RFP: freeswitch -- Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Application. Bug#389591: ITP: freeswitch -- Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Bug#423458: dnscap packaged Bug#425039: marked as done (ITP: libint -- Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory) Bug#456959: Any news? Bug#465821: Attention !!! Bug#469397: Bug #469397: ITP: xbmc -- XBMC Media Center Bug#472961: dpuser+qfitsview: changing back to ITP from RFP Bug#479951: Re: RFH: kvm -- Full virtualization on x86 hardware Bug#483544: marked as done (RFP: scim-sayura -- SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala) Bug#484717: Details!!! Bug#487134: marked as done (ITA: wmmon -- Window Maker dockapp for monitoring system) Bug#495985: TCPDF license not DFSG suitable? Bug#503891: marked as done (RFP: scim-waitzar -- Romanised Burmese Myanmar IME for SCIM) Bug#504058: (no subject) Bug#512220: marked as done (RFP: mumbles -- plugin-driven notification system for GNOME) Bug#516183: python-django-cms -- hierarchical Django content management system app Bug#522638: Mibs licenses Bug#522638: Status update Bug#523797: marked as done (RFP: svnmanager -- webbased tool to administer a Unix Apache WebDAV Subversion repository server.) Bug#525921: ITA: bibtool -- tool for BibTeX database manipulation Bug#525921: marked as done (ITA: bibtool -- tool for BibTeX database manipulation) Bug#531267: marked as done (RFP: libpadre-plugin-svn-perl -- simple SVN interface for Padre) Bug#531324: Current state Bug#531324: openclonk FTBFS Bug#542236: Taking over of hyphenation-* by Debian-IN-Workers team Bug#547519: marked as done (RFP: ekee -- Ekee: LaTeX equation editor) Bug#553311: python-ldraw Bug#556958: marked as done (ITP: abiword-docs -- documentation for the abiword word) Bug#560004: LXDM pckaged by me, can help, who its the mantainer asigned? Bug#560244: Bug#561046: ITP: gcc-arm -- The GNU C Compiler (cross-compiler for ARM targets) Bug#572484: marked as done (RFH: movabletype-opensource -- Movable Type and OpenMelody packaging) Bug#573859: xqilla 2.2 dependency Bug#578563: FriBID Bug#578829: Multi-distribution package in preparation Bug#579401: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Please state pyopenfst copyright/license clearly!]] Bug#579401: Please state pyopenfst copyright/license clearly! Bug#580680: Bug #580680: O: enchant -- a wrapper library for various spell checkers Bug#583117: remove the package Bug#583476: openscad packaging status update Bug#583982: packaging work Bug#584073: SOGo packaging update Bug#585480: [uae] Does anybody run PUAE on Debian Lenny? Bug#588377: Bug#591090: marked as done (ITP: git2cl -- generate GNU format ChangeLogs from git logs) Bug#592494: support for svg Bug#592977: marked as done (O: xeji -- Yet Another Follow the Mouse X demo) Bug#592977: O: xeji -- Yet Another Follow the Mouse X demo Bug#594800: Re: Bug#594800: embedded libraries Bug#597857: Dependancy Bug#598044: autoconf-dickey git repository created on Alioth Bug#598044: marked as done (ITP: autoconf-dickey -- automatic configure script builder (Thomas Dickey's version)) Bug#598406: marked as done (ITP: vavoom -- The most advanced Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife source port around!) Bug#602126: Multi-distribution package in preparation Bug#602253: Duplicate Bug#604174: Status of mysql-workbench Bug#604174: Status of mysql-workbench [RFS] Bug#605739: Update Bug#606161: openframeworks: status? Bug#607393: PHPUnit testers wanted - Was: Re: [php-maint] Co-maintenance of phpunit Bug#607440: ITP: leechcraft -- modular "Internet client" application Bug#610622: Bug#610711: marked as done (ITP: cde -- automatically packages up everything required to execute a Linux command on another computer) Bug#612014: ITP: phpunit-selenium -- Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit Bug#613016: dbunit package is not needed Bug#613018: ITP: phpunit-mock-objects -- Mock Object library for PHPUnit Bug#613425: [Fwd: Review request [Fwd: RFP: php-symfony-yaml -- Symfony YAML: A PHP library that speaks YAML]] Bug#614051: python-ncrypt segmentation fault on ubuntu 11.04 64bit Bug#615033: gnome-web-photo -- Create snapshot images of and print web pages from the command line Bug#615895: New upstream of grap Bug#616131: ITA: LSB package maintenance in Debian Bug#617425: Any news? Bug#617813: kiwix ITP: update Bug#620067: ITA: python-pipeline -- iterator pipelines for Python Bug#623053: closed by Sergey Slipchenko Bug#624448: adoption of webkitkde Bug#625216: marked as done (ITP: python-starpy -- Asterisk (AMI) protocols for Twisted Python) Bug#626087: marked as done (ITP: tinarng -- Tina's (pseudo-) Random Number Generator Library) Bug#626161: marked as done (ITP: redeclipse -- Single-player and multi-player first-person ego-shooter) Bug#626714: marked as done (ITP: sphinxcontrib-blockdiag -- Sphinx "blockdiag" extension) Bug#627510: marked as done (ITP: python-seqdiag -- seqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file.) Bug#628045: marked as done (ITP: fonts-eeyek -- Eeyek TrueType font for Meetei Mayek script) Bug#628903: marked as done (ITA: wmauda -- remote-control dockapp for Audacious) Bug#628938: lua-mode is undergoing integration into Emacs mainline Bug#628953: Taking over mercurial-buildpackage Bug#629323: marked as done (ITP: python-actdiag -- generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file) Bug#630229: marked as done (ITP: python-nwdiag -- generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file) Bug#630809: marked as done (ITP: weston -- reference compositor and demo clients for Wayland) Bug#630809: Retitle #630809 Bug#633677: libvia transition Bug#633931: Add new application to Debian Bug#634066: marked as done (ITA: openmsx -- the MSX emulator that aims for perfection) Bug#635516: Packaging of dvdstyler Bug#635672: marked as done (ITP: libswe -- Swiss Ephemeris) Bug#636350: marked as done (ITP: gpac -- multimedia framework for research and academic purposes) Bug#636414: marked as done (O: pspp -- Statistical analysis tool) Bug#636729: marked as done (O: ldapdns -- DNS server that pulls data from an LDAP directory) Bug#636733: Adopting libnss-db Bug#636735: marked as done (O: yada -- Yet Another Debianisation Aid) Bug#636974: ITP: root-system -- CERN's ROOT Data Analysis Framework Bug#637079: marked as done (ITP: python-visvis -- Python/OpenGL based 1D to 4D object oriented plotting software) Bug#638403: Hello love, Bug#638672: marked as done (O: sitebar -- web based bookmark manager written in PHP) Bug#639910: [Pkg-scala-maint] [sbt] SBT Debian packaging suspended Bug#639910: [sbt] SBT Debian packaging suspended Bug#639910: SBT Debian packaging suspended Bug#640454: ITA: verbiste -- French and Italian conjugator Bug#640454: marked as done (ITA: verbiste -- French and Italian conjugator) Bug#640776: marked as done (ITP: comparepdf -- command line tool for comparing two PDF files) Bug#641721: marked as done (ITP: python-gnatpython -- Python framework to ease development of test suites) Bug#641952: marked as done (ITA: gtk2-engines-qtcurve -- This is a set of widget styles for Gtk2 based apps) Bug#641953: marked as done (ITA: kde-style-qtcurve -- Unified widget styles for KDE and GTK+) Bug#642934: sponsorship for aircrack-ng Bug#643893: marked as done (ITP: trac-sensitivetickets -- Trac ticketing system plugin to mark tickets as sensitive) Bug#643900: Bug#644292: ITP: susv4 -- Fetch and install SUSv4 (POSIX.1:2008) documentation Bug#645103: RFS: aspsms-t (try 4) Bug#646208: BTS Pending tags Bug#646558: marked as done (ITP: ruby-gir-ffi -- Ruby bindings for GNOME using the GObject Introspection Repository.) Bug#646558: RFS: ruby-gir-ffi 0.2.3-1 Bug#646894: marked as done (ITP: maitreya -- Vedic and western astrology) Bug#647076: ITP: ruby-excon -- EXtended http(s) CONnections Bug#647091: marked as done (ITA: surf -- Simple web browser) Bug#648067: passwordsafe ITP Simple & Secure Password Management Bug#648436: working package Bug#648571: Bug#648573: new upstream version Bug#648783: marked as done (ITP: urllib3 -- HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.) Bug#649390: Sponsoring needed for MDAnalysis and related Bug#650394: Fwd: Processed (with 1 errors): merge 650394 654924 Bug#650449: ITA: identicurse -- simple client with a curses-based UI Bug#650668: ITP: tardiff -- Tarball comparison tool Bug#651091: t (ITP: bespin -- Bespin artwork for KDE) Bug#651139: BUG#651139 RFA: iprelay Bug#651194: O: hibernate Bug#651567: marked as done (ITP: cube2font -- utility program for creating font bitmaps for Cube Engine games) Bug#651669: marked as done (ITP: ruby-rc4 -- Ruby implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm) Bug#651752: marked as done (ITP: redeclipse-data -- data for the Red Eclipse FPS game) Bug#652131: marked as done (ITA: tth -- TeX/LaTeX to HTML converter) Bug#652464: ITP: aguilas -- A web-based LDAP user management system Bug#652718: ITP: rpg -- Readable Password Generator Bug#652718: RFS filed Bug#652718: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator Bug#652729: Fwd: Apache Solr Bug#652745: libqtcore4 Bug#652745: razor-qt Bug#652745: razor-qt 0.4.1 Bug#652745: Some packaging tests Bug#653428: marked as done (ITP: libapache2-mod-ruid2 -- Apache2 module to run all httpd process under the owner permissions.) Bug#653659: marked as done (ITP: auralquiz -- simple music quiz game which uses your own music files) Bug#653687: ITP: hpfall -- Disk protection for HP machines. Bug#653687: rfs filed Bug#653758: ITP: reaver - brute force attack tool against Wifi Protected Setup Bug#653758: marked as done (ITP: reaver -- brute force attack tool against Wifi Protected Setup) Bug#653977: marked as done (ITA: skstream -- Isostream C++ socket library) Bug#653978: marked as done (ITA: varconf -- WorldForge configuration handling library) Bug#653979: marked as done (ITA: wfmath -- WorldForge math library) Bug#654116: RFH: screen -- terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation Bug#654324: Adopt knoker Bug#654382: ITP: httpcode -- utility that explains the meaning of an HTTP status code on the command line Bug#654552: ITA: ptop -- PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top Bug#654552: marked as done (ITP: ptop -- PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top) Bug#654552: ptop -- PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top Bug#654552: ptop ITP PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top Bug#654554: RFA: wfrench -- French dictionary words for /usr/share/dict Bug#654648: marked as done (ITA: libavc1394 -- control IEEE 1394 audio/video devices) Bug#654649: marked as done (ITA: libdv -- software library for DV format digital video) Bug#654814: ITP: shaarli -- Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy. Bug#654924: Fwd: Processed (with 1 errors): merge 650394 654924 Bug#654924: Fwd: Re: TigerVNC 1.0.90 src debs Bug#654942: marked as done (O: develock-el -- additional font-lock keywords for the developers on Emacs) Bug#654942: No time to work on. Bug#654944: RFA: riece -- an IRC client for Emacs Bug#655230: Meet singles in your town for hook ups. Bug#655255: marked as done (O: kradio4 -- comfortable radio application for KDE) Bug#655268: ITP:Sonic Visualiser -- An application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files Bug#655651: marked as done (ITP: xpa -- Seamless communication between many kinds of Unix programs) Bug#655653: marked as done (ITP: funtools -- Minimal buy-in FITS library and utility package) Bug#655751: marked as done (ITA: bibtool -- tool for BibTeX database manipulation) Bug#655889: please help keeping munin 2.0 in shape Bug#656043: marked as done (ITP: gcc-4.5-doc -- documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++)) Bug#656044: bug-wrangling related to gcc-4.6-doc Bug#656100: [fsvs-1.2.4] package build fails Bug#656101: remove stereograph Bug#656343: marked as done (ITP: ipset -- administration tool for kernel IP sets) Bug#656469: marked as done (ITP: eegdev -- biosignal acquisition device library) Bug#656571: Upstream Bug#656633: marked as done (ITP: pyfai -- python library for Fast Azimuthal Integration) Bug#656665: We link to OpenSSL, but the source is LGPL in fact, so no problem Bug#656687: marked as done (ITP: mcomix -- GTK+ image viewer for comic books) Bug#656903: RFP: desurium -- Desura is a gaming client that allows a user to one click download and install games and game modification. Bug#656957: Some remarks about gppcscconnectionplugin packaging Bug#657028: Bug#657083: [Gentle Reminder]Fwd: Adopt the package Bug#657083: Adopt the package Bug#657240: RFA: movabletype-opensource -- A well-known blogging engine Bug#657329: marked as done (ITA: xclip -- command line interface to X selections) Bug#657329: O: xclip Bug#657356: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-argv -- Horde command-line argument parsing package) Bug#657357: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-crypt -- Horde Cryptography API) Bug#657359: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-form -- Horde Form API) Bug#657360: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-http -- Horde HTTP libraries) Bug#657361: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-image -- Horde Image API) Bug#657362: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-imap-client -- Horde IMAP abstraction interface) Bug#657363: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-itip -- iTip invitation response handling) Bug#657364: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-rdo -- Rampage Data Objects) Bug#657365: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-date-parser -- Horde Date Parser) Bug#657366: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-spellchecker -- Spellcheck API) Bug#657367: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-rpc -- Horde RPC API) Bug#657368: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-syncml -- Horde_SyncMl provides an API for processing SyncML requests) Bug#657369: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-text-diff -- Engine for performing and rendering text diffs) Bug#657370: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-vfs -- Virtual File System API) Bug#657371: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-xml-element -- Horde Xml Element object) Bug#657372: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-xml-wbxml -- Horde_Xml_Wbxml provides an API for encoding and decoding WBXML documents used in SyncML and other wireless applications) Bug#657373: marked as done (ITP: php-horde-tree -- Horde Tree API) Bug#657395: ITP: cinnamon -- Cinnamon desktop Bug#657471: marked as done (ITP: libterm-shellui-perl --- Perl module to write a fully-featured shell-like CLI) Bug#657499: python-django-djblets and pootle Bug#657765: marked as done (ITP: ruby-slop -- simple DSL for gathering options and parsing the command line) Bug#657785: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-ee1 -- Estonian male voice for Mbrola) Bug#657786: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-mx2 -- Mexican Spanish male voice for Mbrola) Bug#657787: marked as done (ITP: mbrola-vz1 -- Venezuelan Spanish male voice for Mbrola) Bug#657861: marked as done (ITP: zita-alsa-pcmi - C++ wrapper around the ALSA API.) Bug#657919: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-digest - Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects) Bug#657929: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-reshape -- Flexibly reshape data) Bug#657937: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-reshape2 -- Flexibly reshape data) Bug#657967: ITA: prelink -- ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking Bug#657967: O: prelink -- ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking Bug#657989: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ggplot2 -- An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics) Bug#657993: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-plyr -- Tools for splitting, applying and combining data) Bug#657994: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-proto -- Prototype object-based programming) Bug#657995: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rsqlite -- Database Interface R driver for SQLite) Bug#657996: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-stringr -- Make it easier to work with strings) Bug#657997: marked as done (ITP: r-bioc-cummerbund -- tool for analysis of Cufflinks RNA-Seq output) Bug#658115: marked as done (ITP: fxt -- Multithreaded tracing library) Bug#658146: marked as done (ITP: fcitx-keyboard -- X Keyboard Integration wtih Fcitx) Bug#658148: marked as done (ITP: fcitx-chewing -- chewing wrapper for Fcitx) Bug#658151: marked as done (ITP: fcitx-table-extra -- extra tables for Fcitx) Bug#658152: It's wating for a sponsor Bug#658152: ITP: burp -- A cross platform network backup and restore program Bug#658152: marked as done (ITP: burp -- A cross platform network backup and restore program.) Bug#658213: ITP: django-fixture-generator -- reusable django application to make writing fixtures not suck Bug#658234: ITP: meterec -- minimalistic multi track recoder Bug#658234: marked as done (ITP: meterec -- minimalistic multi track recoder) Bug#658253: ITP: pylast -- Python interface to and other compatible services Bug#658253: marked as done (ITP: pylast -- Python interface to and other compatible services) Bug#658261: ITP: NESICIDE - An Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System Bug#658283: ITP: glade2script Bug#658287: ITP: pbs -- Python subprocess wrapper Bug#658287: marked as done (ITP: pbs -- Python subprocess wrapper) Bug#658287: What timing Bug#658299: RFP: madness -- Multiresolution Adaptive Numerical Environment for Scientific Simulation Bug#658300: ITP: libdigidoc -- C++ library for processing DDOC digital signatures (deprecated) Bug#658302: ITP: libdigidocpp -- C++ library for processing BDOC digital signatures Bug#658303: ITP: qesteidutil -- Estonian ID card management utility Bug#658304: ITP: qdigidoc -- QT-based Digidoc client Bug#658308: Apparent duplicate Bug#658308: ITP: python-pbs -- Execute shell commands as python functions Bug#658308: marked as done (ITP: python-pbs -- Execute shell commands as python functions) Bug#658309: ITP: esteid-browser-plugin -- Estonian ID card browser plugin Bug#658347: ITP: rudecgi -- C++ parser library for CGI applications Bug#658356: ITP: libfusioninventory-agent-task-deploy-perl -- Software deployment support for FusionInvnetory Bug#658356: marked as done (ITP: libfusioninventory-agent-task-deploy-perl -- Software deployment support for FusionInventory) Bug#658380: ITP: ar3011-dkms -- Support for a specific kind of Atheros AR3011 bluetooth (DKMS) Bug#658381: ITP libapr-memcache0 -- apr_memcache is a client for memcached Bug#658381: RFS filed Bug#658383: ITP: fonts-taml-tamu -- TAMu family of non Unicode fonts for Tamil script Bug#658383: marked as done (ITP: fonts-taml-tamu -- TAMu family of non Unicode fonts for Tamil script) Bug#658385: ITP: fonts-taml-tscu -- TSCu family of non Unicode fonts for Tamil script Bug#658385: marked as done (ITP: fonts-taml-tscu -- TSCu family of non Unicode fonts for Tamil script) Bug#658393: : ITP umplayer complete front-end for MPlayer Bug#658393: complete front-end for MPlayer Bug#658393: RFP: umplayer -- complete front-end for MPlayer Bug#658433: RFP: zarafa -- complete groupware, email and collaboration suite Bug#658434: ITP: miniupnpd -- daemon providing UPnP Internet Gateway Device (IGD) services Bug#658449: ITP: gcin -- GTK+ based input method platform for Chinese users Bug#658449: marked as done (ITP: gcin -- GTK+ based input method platform for Chinese users) Bug#658535: Acknowledgement (ITP gcc-4.3 for Debian wheezy #657028) Bug#658535: ITP gcc-4.3 for Debian wheezy #657028 Bug#658535: ptop ITP PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top Bug#658573: ITP: lincity -- build & maintain a city/country Bug#658573: marked as done (ITP: lincity -- build & maintain a city/country) Bug#658575: [Pkg-ime-devel] Bug#658575: ITP: libfep -- library to implement FEP (front end processor) on ANSI terminals Bug#658575: ITP: libfep -- library to implement FEP (front end processor) on ANSI terminals Bug#658584: ITP: zed -- abstract engine for text edition in OCaml Bug#658596: ITP: lambda-term -- terminal manipulation library for OCaml Bug#658620: ITP: ion -- NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) Bug#658620: marked as done (ITP: ion -- NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN)) Bug#658671: ITP: cutesdr -- a simple demodulation and spectrum display program Bug#658671: marked as done (ITP: cutesdr -- a simple demodulation and spectrum display program) Bug#658693: ITP: rudeconfig -- C++ config library for reading and writing configuration in .ini files Bug#658693: RFS: rudeconfig Bug#658699: ITP: meandmyshadow -- A puzzle / platform game Bug#658718: ITP: phpvirtualbox-4.0 -- An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. Bug#658720: Bug#658959: RFS: phpvirtualbox-4.1 Bug#658720: ITP: phpvirtualbox-4.1 -- An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. Bug#658774: O: openhackware -- OpenFirmware emulator for PowerPC Bug#658776: O: vgabios -- VGA BIOS software for the Bochs and Qemu emulated VGA card Bug#658783: ITP: mate-common -- common scripts and macros to develop with MATE Bug#658783: MATE Desktop Environment in Debian Bug#658784: ITP: zita-lrx - command line jack application providing crossover filters Bug#658784: marked as done (ITP: zita-lrx - command line jack application providing crossover filters) Bug#658815: ITP: ledmon -- Enclosure LED Utilities Bug#658815: marked as done (ITP: ledmon -- Enclosure LED Utilities) Bug#658838: ITP: libmoosex-attributeshortcuts-perl -- Moose extension providing shorthands for common attribute options Bug#658838: marked as done (ITP: libmoosex-attributeshortcuts-perl -- Moose extension providing shorthands for common attribute options) Bug#658858: RFP: ruby-fog -- Ruby cloud service library Bug#658860: RFP: ruby-formatador -- Ruby STDOUT text formatting library Bug#658861: ITP: adminer -- Light weight Web based database administration Bug#658861: ITP: adminer -- Light weight Web based database administration Bug#658861: Valid? Bug#658863: ITP: veewee -- Vagrant box creation utility Bug#658877: RFP: ruby-multi-json -- Ruby library to provide swappable JSON backends Bug#658880: RFP: ruby-popen4 -- Ruby Open4 cross-platform library Bug#658884: ITP: archipel -- virtual machines management Bug#658886: O: proll -- JavaStation PROM 2.x compatible replacement Bug#658887: ITP: gemrb -- Open-source engine to run Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale series and Planescape: Torment Bug#658888: ITP: themole -- Automatic SQL injection exploitation tool Bug#658897: RFP: ruby-platform -- Hopefully robust platform sensing for ruby Bug#658918: O: catwalk Bug#658921: O: python-tgext.admin Bug#658922: O: python-toscawidgets Bug#658923: O: python-webflash Bug#658924: O: sprox Bug#658925: O: tg.devtools Bug#658926: marked as done (O: turbogears2) Bug#658926: O: turbogears2 Bug#658927: marked as done (O: turbogears2-doc -- documentation for the TurboGears2 web framework) Bug#658927: O: turbogears2-doc Bug#658988: [Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#658988: RFP: libvirt-sandbox -- API layer which facilitates the cration of application sandboxes using virtualization technology Bug#658988: RFP: libvirt-sandbox -- API layer which facilitates the cration of application sandboxes using virtualization technology Bug#659003: ITP: slalib -- Positional Astronomy Library Bug#659023: O: bochs -- IA-32 PC emulator Bug#659031: RFP: ruby-virtualbox -- Library to create and modify virtual machines in VirtualBox using pure ruby Bug#659043: ITP: r-cran-deal -- Learning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables Bug#659051: ITP: libmodule-implementation-perl -- module for loading one of several alternate implementations of a module Bug#659051: marked as done (ITP: libmodule-implementation-perl -- module for loading one of several alternate implementations of a module) Bug#659054: ITP: 389-adminutil -- Utility library for 389ds administration Bug#659056: O: vera -- Dictionary of computer related acronyms Bug#659069: RFP: retroshare -- Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and file exchange Bug#659092: ITP: libapache2-mod-nss -- NSS-based SSL module for Apache2 Bug#659098: ITP: idm-console-framework -- IDM Console Framework for the 389 Directory Server Console Bug#659103: ITP: kde-gtk-config --- KDE configuration module for GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x style selection Bug#659107: RFP: cjdns -- Network routing engine designed for security, scalability, speed and ease of use Bug#659159: ITP: fishpoll -- daemon to run scripts when triggered from the network Bug#659159: marked as done (ITP: fishpoll -- daemon to run scripts when triggered from the network) Bug#659233: ITP: ttfautohint -- automatic font hinter Bug#659241: ITA: ttb -- Browse teletekst (Dutch) on your computer Bug#659241: O: ttb -- Browse teletekst (Dutch) on your computer Bug#659269: ITP: starconf -- Starlink autoconf support Bug#659282: ITP: eeglab -- electrophysiological data analysis Bug#659282: marked as done (ITP: eeglab -- electrophysiological data analysis) Bug#659291: RFP: sogo-connector-extension -- Carddav extension for Thunderbird/Icedove Bug#659308: O: scim-python -- Python input method framework for SCIM Bug#659309: O: scim-tables -- generic tables IM engine module for SCIM platform Bug#659310: O: scim-pinyin -- smart pinyin IM engine for SCIM platform Bug#659311: O: scim-uim -- UIM IM engine module for SCIM platform Bug#659312: O: scim-hangul -- Hangul Input Method Engine for SCIM Bug#659313: O: scim-tegaki -- Tegaki input method for SCIM Bug#659315: Acknowledgement (ITP: python-w3lib -- A collection of web-related functions for Python) Bug#659315: ITP: python-w3lib -- A collection of web-related functions for Python Bug#659315: marked as done (ITP: python-w3lib -- A collection of web-related functions for Python) Bug#659320: RFP: ora-thumbnailer-gnome -- OpenRaster thumbnailer for Gnome Bug#659338: ITP: jenkins-instance-identity -- Instance identity management module for Jenkins CI. Bug#659338: marked as done (ITP: jenkins-instance-identity -- Instance identity management module for Jenkins CI.) Bug#659343: RFP: multimarkdown -- converter for Multimarkdown markup documents Bug#659344: ITP: tkhtml3 -- Render HTML and CSS content with tk Bug#659348: ITP: librejs -- browser plugin to block non-free JavaScript Bug#659366: ITP: jenkins-ssh-cli-auth -- SSH CLI client authentication module for Jenkins CI Bug#659366: marked as done (ITP: jenkins-ssh-cli-auth -- SSH CLI client authentication module for Jenkins CI) Bug#659380: ITP: libnet-iptrie-perl -- Perl module for building IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies Bug#659380: marked as done (ITP: libnet-iptrie-perl -- Perl module for building IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies) Bug#659402: ITP: libcrypt-cast5-perl -- This module provides an implementation of the CAST5 block cipher Bug#659402: marked as done (ITP: libcrypt-cast5-perl -- This module provides an implementation of the CAST5 block cipher ) Bug#659408: ITP: jquerylazyload -- Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery Bug#659408: marked as done (ITP: jquerylazyload -- Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery) Bug#659413: ITP: libapache2-sitecontrol-perl -- Perl web site authentication/authorization system Bug#659413: marked as done (ITP: libapache2-sitecontrol-perl -- Perl web site authentication/authorization system) Bug#659439: RFP: acpi-call -- kernel module that enables to call ACPI methods Bug#659440: RFP: bumblebee -- nVidia Optimus support for GNU/Linux Bug#659511: ITP: okularplugin -- KParts-based Okular plug-in for Gecko browsers Bug#659511: marked as done (ITP: okularplugin -- KParts-based Okular plug-in for Gecko browsers) Bug#659525: ITP: jenkins-token-macro-plugin -- Adds reusable macro expansion capability for other Jenkins plugins Bug#659539: ITP: granite -- extension of GTK+ libraries Bug#659561: ITP: shorewall-core -- Shorewall core components Bug#659561: marked as done (ITP: shorewall-core -- Shorewall core components) Bug#659610: ITP: python-logsparser -- Library providing facilities to parse many different types of logs. Bug#659613: ITP: mitmproxy -- SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy Bug#659613: marked as done (ITP: mitmproxy -- SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy) The last update was on 21:28 GMT Fri Jul 12. There are 990 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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