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Bug#650394: Fwd: Processed (with 1 errors): merge 650394 654924

great to see the packaging going forward -- I don't mind a 'force-merge'
of these two buddies -- any objections?

and great to hear that libjpeg-turbo is just few steps behind (although the
promise to upload in few days seems still not be fulfilled since Jan)

any plans on making debian source (and binary) packages lintian free? ;-)

here is a current summary:

$> lintian tigervnc_1.1.0-2jf.dsc
W: tigervnc source: native-package-with-dash-version
W: tigervnc source: diff-contains-git-control-dir .git
W: tigervnc source: package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends 8
W: tigervnc source: maintainer-also-in-uploaders
W: tigervnc source: quilt-build-dep-but-no-series-file
W: tigervnc source: patch-system-but-no-source-readme
E: tigervnc source: missing-build-dependency cdbs
W: tigervnc source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.4 (current is 3.9.2)

and if only all those patches picked up from upstream sources were moved
into debian/patches under quilt control... if you need help with that -- let me
know, and commit all changes, make git repository publicly available (we could
create one on alioth or anytime on github meanwhile)

Keep in touch                                     www.onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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