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Bug#585480: [uae] Does anybody run PUAE on Debian Lenny?


> > Currently it does not build on amd64 , so I put it on hold
> > but if any one is interested for co-maintainance,
> I can try building on amd64 when I manage to take time for it. Might take 
> some time tough.

I just checked out the latest source from git and used the supplied debian
directory to build the package with debuild on my wheezy/amd64 machine,
the build finished without any problems and the emulator seems to run fine.

So, I guess the problem has been fixed if it has ever been a problem with p-uae

As for the included debian directory, the upstream source should probably be
stripped from it since the debhelper version used is deprecated anyway
(uses the old debian/rules file) and the old source format. Also, usually
the upstream source shouldn't include the debian stuff but this should be
taken care of by the Debian maintainer(s) of the package.

I recommend creating an orig tarball from the git repository, stripped from
the debian directory (and maybe other stuff which is not compliant with
the dfsg), then starting the debianization from scratch using
the current debhelper version and source format. We still can reuse some
of the files provided in the upstream debian directory however.



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