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Re[9]: Это не просто английский! Терминология, Реальность, Лексика Gorencel Re[4]: Английский Разговорный с преподавателями из США Steel Re[4]: Дорогой и любимый друг! Magda Re[9]: Обучение языку от носителей. Partos Re[7]: Мы будем признательны Irlan Re[5]: Лексика Маркетинга Переговоров Продаж Финансы другое для всех - ЭТО ЖИЗНЬ! Pasic Re[3]: Позвони мне пожайлуйста Avdoshin Re[4]: ВРЕМЯ ГОВОРИТЬ ПО АНГЛИЙСКИ!!! Antonelli Re[9]: В подарок на СД интервью с выдающимися людьми США Aguirre Re[3]: В подарок на СД интервью с выдающимися людьми США Debaets Re[3]: В подарок на СД интервью с выдающимися людьми США Tasic счастье Are you ready for the madness from an old skinny mature babe and her son? Bug#100299: marked as done (RFP: igmt -- interactive mapping of geoscientific datasets) Bug#100544: Can you use a phone Bug#100544: marked as done (RFP: cplant -- cluster software environment) Bug#100544: Needed, you and your phone Bug#101411: rise to the occasion Bug#102913: marked as done (RFP: mixp -- XML Parser for Guile) Bug#105587: marked as done (RFP: pcp -- Performance Co-Pilot) Bug#106883: marked as done (RFP: mjbWorld -- VRML 3D editor with extensions to support physics simulation and games generation) Bug#107034: marked as done (RFP: ptyopen -- control programs which interact with the terminal from scripts) Bug#107035: marked as done (RFP: tdiff -- diff trees of files) Bug#107407: marked as done (RFP: twhttpd -- Sam Ng's small http forwarder for gateways) Bug#107808: Please, adopt the package or mark it as RFA Bug#107808: Removing diskless? Bug#108363: marked as done (RFP: unixtree -- A console mode file manager) Bug#108931: marked as done (RFP: libapache-mod-cvs -- A module that makes Apache CVS-aware) Bug#108937: marked as done (RFP: teixsl -- XSL stylesheets for TEI XML) Bug#108938: marked as done (RFP: TEI-Lite-DTD -- Reduced Text Encoding Initiative DTD) Bug#108939: marked as done (RFP: TEI-P4-XML-DTD -- Text Encoding Initiative DTDs) Bug#110047: marked as done (RFP: firestorm -- Firestorm Network Intrusion Detection System) Bug#110288: marked as done (RFP: muse-streamer -- Multiple Streaming Engine) Bug#110537: marked as done (RFP: smslink -- SMS gateway) Bug#110721: marked as done (RFP: css-elisp -- Emacs Mode for editing Cascading Style Sheets) Bug#110787: marked as done (RFP: hrbuilder -- A resume generation setup that gives html and pdf output) Bug#111360: marked as done (RFP: pbpg -- Microsat ground station suite) Bug#111361: marked as done (RFP: pacsattools -- utilities for use with pbpg) Bug#111560: marked as done (RFP: mosml -- Byte-code interpreter/compiler for the Standard ML language) Bug#111609: marked as done (RFP: cathedral-book -- The Eric S Raymond book "The Cathedral and the Bazaar") Bug#111969: marked as done (RFP: xrmap -- global vector map rendering tool for X) Bug#113238: in NEW queue Bug#113238: marked as done (ITP: mplayer -- Movie player for Linux) Bug#113238: more info Bug#113304: marked as done (RFP: intel-v92ham -- Intel HaM linmodem drivers) Bug#113847: marked as done (RFP: hogwash -- A packet filter firewall based on snort) Bug#113873: Desgres Besad On Lfie Eencrxpeie Bug#113873: marked as done (RFP: reaktivate -- Packages for the Reaktivate ActiveX plugin for Konqueror) Bug#115346: marked as done (RFP: xmltools -- Two Gtk XML widgets for use with python) Bug#116121: marked as done (RFP: gamp -- an ncurses mp3 player frontend) Bug#117025: marked as done (RFP: laml -- Lisp Abstract Markup Language) Bug#117025: Thousands to be made Bug#117453: marked as done (RFP: mosfet-liquid -- theme for kde featuring transparency) Bug#118202: marked as done (RFP: silc -- Secure Internet Live Conferencing) Bug#118829: marked as done (RFP: garnet -- Generating an Amalgam of Realtime, Novel Editors and Toolkit (for Lisp)) Bug#120237: marked as done (ITP: jboss -- J2EE based application server) Bug#120237: Re-opening Bug#121919: marked as done (RFP: freefem+ -- A finite element analysis program) Bug#122149: marked as done (RFP: brandy -- a BBC BASIC V interpreter) Bug#122393: marked as done (RFP: omni -- 300+ printer drivers using ghostscript engine) Bug#122453: marked as done (RFP: jboss -- A free J2EE implementation) Bug#122614: marked as done (RFP: publicfile-installer -- Installer to building publicfile binary package) Bug#123299: marked as done (RFP: multiprocessor-control -- Multiprocessor Control Interfaces) Bug#125688: marked as done (RFP: cpint -- pass CP commands to VM from Linux) Bug#126317: marked as done (RFP: robotournament -- Game where players program their robots against each other) Bug#127461: Attention Opp Seeker Bug#127461: marked as done (RFP: skunkweb -- An extensible and easy to use web application server) Bug#127565: marked as done (RFP: hdf5-hl -- High-level API for the hiearchical data format 5) Bug#127755: marked as done (RFP: kernel-patch-2.4-pcsnd -- kernel patch for PC speaker audio) Bug#128394: marked as done (RFP: xsb -- XSB Prolog, a Logic Programming and Deductive Database system) Bug#128674: marked as done (RFP: aftweb -- A way to do literate programming using aft) Bug#129203: marked as done (RFP: GT.M -- High performance transaction processing database + M UMPS compiler) Bug#129403: marked as done (RFP: freecnc -- FreeCNC - a free implementation of the "Command and Conquer" game) Bug#129673: marked as done (RFP: bill -- Open Workgroup Data Exchange Server) Bug#131199: marked as done (RFP: gag -- Graphical boot loader) Bug#131487: marked as done (RFP: gbootroot -- a tool for creating boot/root diskettes and associated filesystems) Bug#131644: ITP: balance -- A simple userland TCP proxy with round-robin and failover support Bug#131644: marked as done (ITP: balance -- A simple userland TCP proxy with round-robin and failover support) Bug#131750: marked as done (RFP: olbookmarks -- On-Line Bookmarks Manager) Bug#132255: marked as done (RFP: libxmldb* -- xmldb aims to provide an easy-to-use efficient 3-tier app server) Bug#132446: ITP: bashburn -- A simple shell script to burn CDs Bug#132446: marked as done (RFP: bashburn -- A simple shell script to burn CDs) Bug#133474: marked as done (RFP: web100 -- Tools necessary to achieve high bandwidth data rates (100 Mbps) over the high performance research networks) Bug#133588: marked as done (RFP: glhack -- port of NetHack using OpenGL to render 2D graphics) Bug#133649: アルバイトしよー! Bug#133776: marked as done (RFP: garp -- A Gratuitous ARP Implementation) Bug#134112: marked as done (ITP: fec -- Onion Networks' forward error correction (FEC) library) Bug#134132: marked as done (RFP: kdiradm -- LDAP Directory Management Tool for KDE) Bug#135615: marked as done (RFP: globus -- Provides fundamental technologies to build computational grids) Bug#135746: marked as done (RFP: refdb -- A reference database and bibliography tool) Bug#136061: marked as done (RFP: bricolage -- mod_perl based content management system) Bug#136306: marked as done (RFP: ovnibus -- XML based project for clinical and research purposes [med-research]) Bug#136844: marked as done (RFP: arcem -- ARM emulator) Bug#137355: marked as done (RFP: pcsx -- Playstation emulator) Bug#137712: marked as done (RFP: gcc-msp430 -- gcc for Texas Instruments msp430 microcontrollers) Bug#137829: marked as done (RFP: msp430-pybsl -- Boot strap loader (BSL) for Texas Instruments MSP430 devices) Bug#137917: marked as done (RFP: freeipdb -- A database specialized for IP address) Bug#138731: marked as done (RFP: mnwclient -- Client for reporting network abuses to Bug#138859: marked as done (RFP: clearcase-elisp -- Emacs support for the Clearcase version control system) Bug#138978: marked as done (RFP: ficl -- Forth Inspired Command Language) Bug#139056: marked as done (RFP: vesta -- An advanced revision control, build, and configuration management system.) Bug#139341: marked as done (RFP: whoson -- An implementation of the WHOSON protocol) Bug#139726: marked as done (RFP: emailrelay -- email relay for dialup systems with configurable filter mechanisms) Bug#139749: preliminary webgui packages Bug#140103: marked as done (RFP: alliance -- VLSI CAD system) Bug#140139: marked as done (RFP: vocal -- Open Source Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server) Bug#140889: all night long Bug#140889: marked as done (RFP: web2ldap -- web-based LDAP editor written in Python) Bug#141099: Faster internet Bug#141381: marked as done (RFP: olena -- Generic image processing library) Bug#141381: Mega offr Pharrgmacy Bug#141611: marked as done (RFP: cfg2html -- System information collector) Bug#141693: Debian gmod adoption Bug#141748: acknowledged by developer (WNPP bug closed) Bug#141748: marked as done (RFP: openca -- Full featured opensource X.509 CA) Bug#141936: marked as done (RFP: opennms -- enterprise grade network management platform) Bug#141945: marked as done (RFP: nel -- game engine library with 3d, net, sound, pacs, ai) Bug#142403: marked as done (RFP: tcl8.4-html-doc -- Tcl/Tk HTML manuals) Bug#142762: Dont crawl the web, surf it Bug#142762: marked as done (ITP: iip -- Invisible IRC Project) Bug#142762: Need some moolah? Bug#142762: Ping? Bug#142932: marked as done (ITP: globus -- Provides fundamental technologies to build computational grids) Bug#142982: marked as done (RFP: kuery -- MySQL database administration tool with KDE interface) Bug#143735: marked as done (RFP: gronk -- An MP3 Jukebox Interface) Bug#144042: marked as done (RFP: freedos -- complete, free, MSDOS compatible operating system) Bug#144138: marked as done (RFP: portmon -- a network service monitoring daemon) Bug#144284: marked as done (RFP: ipsec-tunnel -- simple, manually-keyed IPSEC implementation) Bug#145351: marked as done (RFP: ppr -- A legacy-free print spooler system) Bug#145498: marked as done (RFP: egd -- Entropy Gathering Daemon - userspace /dev/random) Bug#145639: marked as done (RFP: cymbaline -- intelligent learning console mp3 player) Bug#145778: marked as done (ITP: phpgraphy -- phpgraphy is a php based photo album for webpages) Bug#146201: marked as done (ITP: pymol-doc -- The PyMOL-Manual (from the website) [med-doc]) Bug#146394: marked as done (ITP: isdn2h323 -- A ISDN to H.323 gateway) Bug#146462: marked as done (RFP: cocoon2 -- web development framework) Bug#146528: marked as done (RFP: amigashell -- AmigaSHELL emulates the look of an Amiga in the console) Bug#146623: marked as done (RFP: stonx -- StonX is an Atari ST emulator for X.) Bug#146857: marked as done (RFP: openjms -- open source implementation of Sun Microsystems's Java Message Service API 1.0.2 Specification) Bug#147019: marked as done (ITP: globus-toolkit -- Globus grid computing packages) Bug#147163: marked as done (ITP: libradius-userfile-perl -- RADIUS::UserFile from CPAN) Bug#147800: marked as done (RFP: xdms -- An uncompressor for Amiga DMS archives) Bug#147964: marked as done (RFP: gnome-vim -- bonobo component for vim) Bug#147968: marked as done (ITP: gnustep-guile -- A GNUstep Interface to Guile (and vice versa)) Bug#147998: marked as done (RFP: mapit -- a web-application to navigate raster-maps) Bug#148007: marked as done (RFP: unadf -- Extract files from an Amiga Disk File dump (.adf)) Bug#148319: marked as done (RFP: unreal-ircd -- feature-packed IRC server daemon) Bug#148345: marked as done (ITP: libfile-lock-perl -- File locking with Perl using flock, lockf and fcntl) Bug#148380: marked as done (RFP: coda -- The Coda advanced networked filesystem.) Bug#148413: marked as done (ITP: iconv -- GNU Unicode conversion library) Bug#148469: marked as done (RFP: nvrec -- a high performant v4l1/v4l2 capture core) Bug#148719: marked as done (ITP: csharp-elisp -- Emacs support for C# files) Bug#149020: marked as done (RFP: plugger4 -- plugin manager for Mozilla on woody) Bug#149053: marked as done (RFP: libj2k -- Library implementation of the JPEG-2000 standard (for .j2k images)) Bug#149373: marked as done (ITP: snortsnarf -- a web report interface for Snort) Bug#149457: marked as done (RFP: dmx -- Distributed Multihead X Server) Bug#149895: marked as done (RFP: webminstats -- statistics display for web) Bug#149962: marked as done (RFP: pso -- Python Service Objects) Bug#150066: marked as done (RFP: afe -- Affix Frontend Environment) Bug#150107: marked as done (ITP: wampager -- a virtual desktop pager for waimea) Bug#150527: marked as done (RFP: undump -- turn output from Perl dump() into an executable) Bug#150636: marked as done (ITP: ncbi-tools++0 -- NCBI C++ libraries for biology applications [med-bio-dev]) Bug#150916: marked as done (RFP: castor -- data binding framework for Java) Bug#151036: marked as done (RFP: scheme-srfi -- Scheme Requests for Implementation) Bug#151147: marked as done (ITP: phpgroupware-packages -- The phpGroupWare packaging utilities.) Bug#151348: marked as done (RFP: toutdoux -- a GNU project management tool with database backend) Bug#151472: marked as done (RFP: netdump -- Dump kernel crash information over the network) Bug#151711: marked as done (RFP: badurl -- Custom 403, 404's to slow CGI vulnerability scans (cgi tarpit)) Bug#151795: marked as done (ITP: libapache-mod-pubcookie -- kerberos auth for web pages) Bug#151808: marked as done (ITP: opencm -- A secure configuration management system) Bug#152106: marked as done (ITP: libh -- general purpose library for C programmers) Bug#152506: marked as done (RFP: afd -- Automatic File Distributor) Bug#153578: marked as done (RFP: x-terminal-wrapper -- Start x-terminal-emulator with arbitrary) Bug#153701: marked as done (ITP: webcdwriter -- webcdwriter can be used to make a single cd-writer available to users in your network) Bug#153923: marked as done (RFP: mosml -- Moscow ML - a lightweight implementation of Standard ML) Bug#154281: marked as done (ITP: libdvdcss -- Library to read scrambled DVDs) Bug#154337: marked as done (ITP: pglogd -- Stuff apache Logs in a Postgres Database) Bug#154339: marked as done (ITP: axkit-xsp-perform -- AxKit XSP tag library for building web forms) Bug#154340: marked as done (ITP: axkit-xsp-param -- AxKit XSP tag library for reading CGI parameters) Bug#154342: marked as done (ITP: blogger-el -- Emacs package for weblog posting via BloggerAPI) Bug#154344: marked as done (ITP: xml-rpc-el -- Emacs package that implements XML-RPC protocol) Bug#154428: marked as done (RFP: ae -- Anthony's Editor -- a tiny full-screen editor) Bug#155073: marked as done (ITP: statist -- small, handy and useful statistic analysis) Bug#155193: marked as done (RFP: templeet -- Fast template engine) Bug#155872: marked as done (ITP: everything -- Modular MySQL/mod_perl web engine) Bug#155922: marked as done (ITP: ginf -- a GTK+ WYSIWYG website creation program) Bug#156138: marked as done (ITP: aspectj-addons -- Emacs mode, documentation, ant support) Bug#156276: marked as done (ITP: emboss -- Sequence analysis software for molecular biology) Bug#156507: marked as done (ITP: jabber-conference -- Group Chat Plug-in For Jabber) Bug#156614: Another proposal Pharrmwacy Bug#157219: marked as done (ITP: libdxf -- Library for reading and writing (planned) AutoDesk (R) DXF files.) Bug#157248: marked as done (ITP: zthread -- C++ thread library) Bug#157252: marked as done (RFP: sysmon -- A tree-based network monitoring tool) Bug#157375: marked as done (ITP: wxglade -- GUI designer for wxWidgets/wxPython/wxPerl) Bug#157711: marked as done (RFP: openca -- Full featured opensource X.509 CA) Bug#158579: marked as done (RFP: mouldavia -- True WebDAV home directories) Bug#158602: marked as done (RFP: snortcenter -- Web-based snort management system written in PHP and Perl) Bug#158610: marked as done (ITP: pvm++ -- A C++-library for PVM) Bug#158652: marked as done (RFP: ly -- the lyterate programming thingy) Bug#158655: marked as done (RFP: libyaml-python -- A Python implementation of YAML) Bug#158683: marked as done (RFP: oggasm -- MP3 to Ogg converter) Bug#159651: marked as done (RFP: bluez-bluefw -- Firmware loader for BCM2003) Bug#159715: marked as done (ITP: enca -- Extremely Naive Charset Analyser) Bug#159715: Update Bug#159919: marked as done (ITP: agt -- Console frontend for iptables) Bug#159950: marked as done (ITP: pynfo -- factoid and bridging IRC bot) Bug#159972: marked as done (RFP: tkantivir -- a Tcl/Tk frontend to H+BEDV's AntiVir scanner (German only)) Bug#160140: marked as done (RFP: cack -- English sentence generator) Bug#160311: marked as done (RFP: plotutils-doc -- Offline documentation for plotutils package) Bug#160392: marked as done (RFP: polymake -- A versatile tool for algorithmic treatment of polytopes and polyhedra) Bug#160580: marked as done (RFP: portfwd -- Port Forwarding Daemon) Bug#160706: marked as done (RFP: buildd -- Debian package build daemon) Bug#160706: Phparmacy reconnoitre Bug#160769: marked as done (RFP: job-launcher -- simple program for controlling long-running, CPU-intensive jobs on a multi-user system) Bug#161227: marked as done (RFP: smcroute -- Static multicast routing daemon) Bug#161397: marked as done (RFP: python-pyquante -- Python Quantum Chemistry) Bug#161408: marked as done (ITP: prv-and-prvps -- LaTeX compilation/previewing tools) Bug#161415: marked as done (RFP: freevsd -- virtual server hosting environment) Bug#161603: marked as done (ITP: libconcurrency-java -- Utility classes for concurrent Java programming) Bug#161603: Take the office with you where ever you go... Bug#161604: marked as done (RFP: libonionnetworks-common-java -- Onion Networks' Common Java) Bug#161664: marked as done (RFP: ayam -- A free 3D modeler for the RenderMan interface.) Bug#161669: marked as done (RFP: phaser -- console frontend to cdrecord) Bug#161777: marked as done (ITP: oftc-blitzed -- Blitzed services for the oftc-hybrid IRC daemon) Bug#161782: marked as done (RFP: mimerdesk -- MimerDesk is a web-based groupware environment) Bug#161790: marked as done (RFP: mpg -- A program for computing photonic band structures) Bug#162888: marked as done (RFP: moregroupware -- Moregroupware is another web based groupware. It contains modules like contact management, webmail, calendar and some more and it will be extended day by day.) Bug#162936: marked as done (ITP: prog84 -- Microchip's PIC serial, parallel and USB programmer) Bug#163623: marked as done (RFP: vhost-base -- Virtual host management system) Bug#163664: marked as done (RFP: iptables-log-analyzer -- A php iptables log analyzer) Bug#164057: marked as done (RFP: gkrellongrun2 -- LongRun plug-in for GKrellM2) Bug#164125: marked as done (ITP: html-xml-utils -- W3C simple HTML and XML utilities) Bug#164384: marked as done (RFP: reaper3d -- 3D flight (near-ground) combat game with OpenGL Graphics) Bug#164389: marked as done (RFP: camfr -- full-vectorial modal-decomposition Maxwell solver) Bug#164855: marked as done (RFP: xbattleai -- A concurrent multi-player battle strategy game with AI support) Bug#164946: marked as done (RFP: ekit -- Java HTML/RTF editing program and applet) Bug#164957: marked as done (ITP: labe -- Ldap Address Book Editor) Bug#165154: marked as done (RFP: cube-engine -- Cube: a promising looking old-style 3D-First-Person-Shooter) Bug#165161: marked as done (RFP: pgpenvelope -- Filter for Pine to handle GnuPG operations) Bug#165501: marked as done (ITP: kmess -- A powerful MSN Messenger Client for KDE3) Bug#165556: marked as done (ITP: plugger -- Plugger is a multimedia plugin for Unix Netscape, Mozilla or Opera.) Bug#165646: marked as done (RFP: libpam-securid -- standalone SecurID token server and PAM module) Bug#165756: marked as done (RFP: wnpp -- RAID autodetection support for OSF partitions) Bug#165952: marked as done (ITP: glhack -- Nethack port with OpenGL accelerated 2D graphics. Bug#166134: marked as done (RFP: julie -- distributed music jukebox system) Bug#166180: debian packaging.. Bug#166259: marked as done (RFP: lasker -- FICS-like free internet chess server) Bug#166282: marked as done (ITP: gnumed -- Medical practice management [med-practice]) Bug#166292: marked as done (RFP: spaceracer -- 3D car racing game (clone of Stunt Car Racer)) Bug#166751: marked as done (RFP: infusion -- a cross-platform communications environment) Bug#167189: marked as done (ITP: mbrola -- Mbrola is a multilingual (25 languages at the moment) speech synthesis, it is not free software but has a really nice quality and is very important for brlspeak (debian for visual deficient) so we can have a software speech synthesis mode) Bug#167292: marked as done (ITP: netbsd-libc -- NetBSD C Library) Bug#167306: marked as done (RFP: uclient -- 2D game client for World Forge game servers) Bug#167308: marked as done (RFP: mason-media -- media data for the World Forge game called) Bug#167310: marked as done (RFP: worldforge-meta -- Provides meta packages for easy install of) Bug#167694: marked as done (RFP: zope-documentlib -- Content managment system for creating web based document libraries) Bug#167743: firm is best Bug#167743: marked as done (RFP: prescript -- Utility for extracting text from PostScript files) Bug#167835: marked as done (RFP: wfconvert -- The Wallfire translator tool) Bug#167835: much firmer Bug#168589: marked as done (RFP: xfuse -- a ZX Spectrum and TC2048 emulator) Bug#168590: marked as done (RFP: lib765 -- an emulation of the uPD765a floppy drive controller) Bug#168591: marked as done (RFP: libdsk -- a library for accessing disks and disk images) Bug#168848: marked as done (RFP: FUSD -- a Linux Framework for User-Space Devices) Bug#168940: marked as done (ITP: libemf -- libEMF is a C/C++ library which provides a drawing toolkit based on) Bug#168972: marked as done (RFP: arm-formatter -- The Ada Reference Manual formatting tool.) Bug#169295: marked as done (RFP: dapd -- a system monitoring daemon sending information such as load, uptime, users or memory usage to peers) Bug#169507: marked as done (RFP: kernel-patch-bridge-nf -- bridging+netfilter patch) Bug#169516: marked as done (RFP: libcache-mmap-perl -- Shared cache based on mmap()) Bug#169542: marked as done (RFP: crl-ohh-bootldr -- CRL/OHH Bootloader for handhelds) Bug#169959: marked as done (ITP: libfx-ruby -- Ruby interface for the FOX GUI toolkit) Bug#170453: marked as done (RFP: libbo2k -- Bo2k Communications library) Bug#170454: marked as done (RFP: bo2k-console -- console client for Back Orifice 2000) Bug#170456: marked as done (RFP: bo2k-plugins -- collection of plugins for the Bo2k client) Bug#170673: marked as done (ITP: libxmldb0 -- an easy-to-use efficient 3-tier app server) Bug#170705: marked as done (RFP: openbios -- free portable firmware implementation (BIOS).) Bug#170814: marked as done (ITP: imagej -- scientific image processing and anlysis [med-imaging]) Bug#170840: marked as done (RFP: pas2dox -- Pascal To Doxygen Convertor) Bug#171103: marked as done (RFP: kaffe-oji-plugin -- free Open Java Interface plugin for Mozilla/Kaffe) Bug#171270: marked as done (RFP: ulog -- xsession equivalent of commands such as who or last) Bug#171497: marked as done (RFP: xdoclet -- XDoclet is an extended Javadoc Doclet engine) Bug#171555: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-sensors -- Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux (kernel patch)) Bug#171599: marked as done (RFP: access_gateway -- CGI script for special-needs Web users) Bug#171731: marked as done (RFP: gnuzza -- A small peer-to-peer chat program) Bug#171952: marked as done (RFP: cvw -- Collaborative Virtual Workspace) Bug#171954: marked as done (RFP: toucan -- environment for developing Palm Tcl applications using Tk widgets) Bug#172141: marked as done (RFP: pts -- Tetrinet Server Written in Perl) Bug#172381: marked as done (ITP: codestriker -- A web based collaborative code review tool) Bug#172411: marked as done (ITP: libspectrum -- A library which provides high-level support for the ZX Spectrum emulator files) Bug#172412: marked as done (RFP: xfuse-utils -- utilities for handling some ZX Spectrum emulator file formats) Bug#172601: marked as done (RFP: libggi-extwmh -- General Graphics Interface Window Manager handling extension) Bug#172626: marked as done (RFP: heatload -- Graphical and nummerical ACPI- and CPU-load-monitor) Bug#172781: marked as done (RFP: nanoweb -- A smart modular web server written in PHP) Bug#172799: marked as done (RFP: ospmd -- ACPI power management daemon) Bug#172800: marked as done (RFP: kernel-patch-acpi -- Advanced ACPI support for the Linux kernel) Bug#173388: marked as done (RFP: cog -- Advanced GNOME settings editor) Bug#173440: marked as done (RFP: nightfall -- Astronomy program to examine and visualise binary stars) Bug#173496: marked as done (ITP: python-exif -- A python module that reads EXIF-data) Bug#173522: marked as done (RFP: pamconf -- PAM configuration framework for Debian) Bug#173601: marked as done (ITP: jpgraph -- OO Graph Library for PHP) Bug#173733: marked as done (RFP: ljupdate-el -- A LiveJournal client for Emacs) Bug#173794: marked as done (RFP: mbrdico -- mbrdico is a talking dictionary using mbrola) Bug#173803: marked as done (ITP: WvPrint -- Printing System for Linux that makes installing printers truly plug and play) Bug#174438: marked as done (RFP: beep2 -- small program to ring beep sounds with various) Bug#174605: marked as done (RFP: GutenMark -- Intelligently converts Gutenberg Project etext to HTML or LaTeX) Bug#174606: marked as done (RFP: GutenMark -- Intelligently converts Gutenberg Project etext to HTML or LaTeX) Bug#174613: marked as done (RFP: spamcop -- the reporting part of SpamCop (as used by Bug#174713: marked as done (RFP: khdrecord -- A QT audio harddisk recorder with mp3/ogg support) Bug#174834: marked as done (ITP: python-custom -- an E-commerce system with POS, ordering, invoicing and stock management.) Bug#175446: marked as done (RFP: pimpbnc -- IRC bouncer written in perl with module and nick sharing support) Bug#175968: marked as done (RFP: gt.m -- industrial strength, transaction processing application [med-hospital]) Bug#176133: marked as done (ITP: gnomechat -- An Internet chat (IRC) client for GNOME 2) Bug#176176: marked as done (ITP: kadslwatch -- an universal ADSL monitor for KDE 2 and KDE 3) Bug#176216: marked as done (RFP: newscache -- a cache server for USENET news) Bug#176267: marked as done (ITP: mplayer -- Mplayer is a full-featured audio and video player for UN*X like systems) Bug#176325: marked as done (RFP: prc-tools-samples -- sample PalmOS programs in source form) Bug#176477: marked as done (RFP: rott -- Rise of the Triad, a first person shooter) Bug#176719: marked as done (RFP: kamikaze -- Multiplayer bomberman game for KDE) Bug#176982: marked as done (RFP: codeboost -- source-to-source transformation/optimisation of C++ programs) Bug#177055: marked as done (RFP: gini -- straming media server) Bug#177187: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-2.4.19-riscstation -- Kernel patch for the Riscstation (ARM)) Bug#177188: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-2.4-rmk -- ARM kernel patch from Russell M. King (rmk)) Bug#177192: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-2.4.19-shark -- ARM patch for Shark systems) Bug#177215: marked as done (RFP: mharc -- an automated, searchable web-archive system) Bug#177315: marked as done (RFP: 4dml -- A different sort of structured-data transformation utility) Bug#177402: marked as done (ITP: tgdb -- Trivial GDB (tgdb) is a library for making front ends to GDB using a simple API) Bug#177419: marked as done (RFP: phprojekt -- an open source groupware suite) Bug#177605: marked as done (RFP: zope-silva -- Zope publication system for creating publications for the web, paper and other media) Bug#177607: marked as done (RFP: zope-silvanews -- SilvaNews is an extension for Silva, an XML authoring and publishing tool for Zope) Bug#177613: marked as done (RFP: cdsware -- document server) Bug#178062: marked as done (RFP: mplayerxp -- MplayerXP is a branch of the well known mplayer) Bug#178429: marked as done (RFP: snipsnap -- Weblog and Wiki software written in java) Bug#178440: marked as done (RFP: xams -- eXtended Account Managing Software) Bug#178611: Degrees Based On Your Knowlege Bug#178611: marked as done (RFP: xspringies -- A mass and spring simulation game) Bug#179182: marked as done (RFP: swarm -- multi-agent simulation of complex systems) Bug#179183: marked as done (RFP: repast -- software framework for creating agent based simulations) Bug#179769: marked as done (RFP: xf4vnc -- VNC server integration into the XFree86 server) Bug#179771: marked as done (RFP: libgl4java -- GL4Java - OpenGL libs for Java) Bug#180189: Hmm... how soon you forget about me! Bug#180189: marked as done (RFP: w3perl -- Web logfile analyser) Bug#180196: marked as done (RFP: djgpp -- Enables a specially targetted GCC to make DOS binaries) Bug#180369: marked as done (RFP: burncdda -- a console-based frontend for ripping/burning) Bug#180473: marked as done (RFP: zeta -- tools to process specifications written in Z) Bug#180510: marked as done (RFP: kdenlive -- Non Linear Editing Suite for KDE) Bug#180632: Current state Bug#180634: marked as done (RFP: kolab-server -- The server from the Kroupware Project's) Bug#180822: marked as done (ITP: genius -- Calculator program) Bug#180858: marked as done (RFP: tagclean -- Tool to clean up your ogg's and mp3's) Bug#180878: marked as done (RFP: tagged -- Module for reading tags of MP3 audio files) Bug#180892: marked as done (RFP: OpenQVis -- A high-quality 3d visualization project for commodity hardware) Bug#181131: marked as done (RFP: hbd -- Fast Java Decompiler written in C) Bug#181197: marked as done (RFP: nash -- primitive shell code interpreter) Bug#181200: marked as done (RFP: initrd-builder -- alternative initrd creating utility) Bug#181273: marked as done (RFA: vmnet -- A simple virtual networking program) Bug#181276: marked as done (RFP: qsa-x11-free -- Qt Script for Applications library, development headers, Qt 3 designer plugins for the Qt Scripter IDE, documentation and examples) Bug#181322: marked as done (RFP: helix-dna-{client,server,producer} -- Tools for producing, distributing and playing media streams) Bug#181439: marked as done (RFP: libprevayler-java -- Prevayler - Java Object Prevalence. Library) Bug#181442: marked as done (RFP: mrtg-rrd -- The script for generating graphs for MRTG) Bug#181506: marked as done (RFP: gnumexp -- math computation environment for GNOME) Bug#181567: make here smile again Bug#181567: marked as done (RFP: pvfs-kernel-source -- kernel module source for parallel filesystem) Bug#181607: marked as done (RFP: fieryfilter -- An interactive desktop firewall for Linux/GTK2) Bug#181706: marked as done (RFP: laoe -- a graphical audiosample-editor) Bug#181708: marked as done (RFP: pushmail -- the opposite of fetchmail) Bug#181710: marked as done (RFP: tiki -- a complex (in features) but easy to use CMS system based on a Wiki) Bug#181712: marked as done (ITP: gspeakers -- a GNOME loudspeaker design program) Bug#181716: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-acpi -- Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (kernel patches)) Bug#181716: Re-opening Bug#181837: marked as done (RFP: oddmuse -- a perl wiki engine) Bug#182005: marked as done (RFP: toshacpid -- toshiba acpi hotkeys daemon) Bug#182084: marked as done (RFP: northstar -- NorthStar IP Management System) Bug#182086: marked as done (RFP: prefbar -- Preferences Toolbar for Mozilla) Bug#182148: marked as done (RFP: nebuladevice -- open source realtime 3D game/visualization engine) Bug#182229: marked as done (RFP: babysee -- not only an image viewer, but also an image convertor and image editor) Bug#182233: marked as done (ITP: bashish -- theme-engine using bash and other POSIX shells) Bug#182337: marked as done (RFP: bossa -- a workflow engine written in Java) Bug#182445: marked as done (RFP: xmlroff -- XSL Formatter) Bug#182820: marked as done (RFP: makepp -- yet another make replacement) Bug#182876: marked as done (RFP: jpcache -- a lightweight, full page caching system for PHP) Bug#183201: Life Experience Degrees Bug#183201: marked as done (RFP: xmms-morestate -- Plugin to save/restore xmms state between runs) Bug#183320: marked as done (RFP: rtlab -- Data acquisition experiment interface software) Bug#183358: FW: Life Experience D3grees Bug#183358: marked as done (ITP: gtk2edit -- Unicode text editor made with GTK+ 2) Bug#183553: marked as done (RFP: hyadan -- A steganographic tool to hide messages in i386 executables) Bug#183557: marked as done (RFP: kernel-patch-non-free-drivers -- Non-DFSG Linux Kernel "bits") Bug#183674: marked as done (ITP: libtk-jpeg-perl -- JPEG loader for Tk::Photo) Bug#183741: marked as done (RFP: coccinella -- a Jabber client with a whiteboard) Bug#183963: marked as done (RFP: crystal -- MUD/MUSH/talker/telnet client with scrollback) Bug#183975: marked as done (RFP: irssi-silc -- silc plugin for irssi) Bug#184085: marked as done (RFP: luminiere -- a GNOME frontend to mplayer and libxine) Bug#184167: marked as done (RFP: bmf -- bmf - A bayesian mail filter) Bug#184224: marked as done (RFP: txl -- A programming language for source transformations) Bug#184226: marked as done (RFP: rigal -- compiler construction language developed at the University of Latvia) Bug#184227: marked as done (RFP: stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation) Bug#184283: marked as done (ITP: fortunes-farscape -- quotes from the SciFi series Farscape) Bug#184294: marked as done (RFP: snobol -- Interpreter for the SNOBOL programming language) Bug#184441: marked as done (RFP: sctl -- Solaris-compatible Thread Library) Bug#184487: marked as done (RFP: gscmxx -- GTK frontend to scmxx) Bug#184923: marked as done (RFP: gmodconfig -- Graphical interface for end-users to manipulate kernel modules) Bug#185398: marked as done (ITP: flac-tools -- A set of tools for playing and manipulating FLAC audio files) Bug#185588: marked as done (RFP: ktagit -- Tag editor and file renamer for .mp3 and .ogg files) Bug#185595: marked as done (RFP: mango -- A recipe management software) Bug#185632: marked as done (RFP: graphopt -- Graph layout optimiser) Bug#185760: marked as done (RFP: exef -- the Ultimate Effect Processor) Bug#185891: marked as done (RFP: piave -- Video render engine and library) Bug#185934: marked as done (RFP: msyslog -- New and modular syslog system) Bug#185958: acknowledged by developer (WNPP bug closing) Bug#185958: marked as done (ITP: pshttpd -- a webserver written in postscript) Bug#185997: marked as done (RFP: gnome-ticker -- Gnome Ticker is a Stock watching program.) Bug#186120: marked as done (RFP: yasmin -- 8051 simulator) Bug#186163: marked as done (RFP: xyzzy -- Xyzzy is the historical command that prints "Twice as much happens!") Bug#186174: marked as done (RFP: xyzzy -- Xyzzy is the historical command that prints "Twice as much happens!") Bug#186215: marked as done (RFP: at76c503 -- kernel modules for Atmel at76c503 based USB WLAN adapters) Bug#186231: marked as done (RFP: yasmin -- a 8051 simulator) Bug#186295: marked as done (RFP: pilot-mailsync -- Mail sync between PalmOS devices and Unix mailboxes or Maildirs) Bug#186953: marked as done (RFP: gnetmd -- A suite for communicating with Sony NetMD devices.) Bug#186958: marked as done (RFP: koha -- Web-based library automation package) Bug#187134: marked as done (RFP: oscommerce -- Online shop e-commerce solution with) Bug#187197: marked as done (RFP: pam-tacplus -- A PAM module for authentication using a TACACS+ server) Bug#187271: marked as done (ITP: alsa-patch-bay -- Graphical patch bay for the ALSA sequencer) Bug#187275: marked as done (RFP: swftools -- collection of SWF (Flash) manipulation and generation) Bug#187423: marked as done (ITP: gurlchecker -- URL checker for GNOME2) Bug#187460: marked as done (RFP: apache-lingerd -- Apache with lingerd support) Bug#187555: marked as done (RFP: kalbum -- kalbum is a KDE 3 application that allows you to create albums from a collection of images) Bug#187557: marked as done (RFP: ktagit -- tag editor and file renamer for .mp3 and .ogg files for KDE3) Bug#187562: marked as done (RFP: kderadio -- a KDE3 program for using radiocards based on v4l) Bug#187628: marked as done (ITP: duke3d -- 3D first person shooter inspired by bad movies) Bug#187775: marked as done (RFP: saferelay -- SafeRelay is a certificate authority center, based on OpenSSL, for network administrators who want to deploy certificates on a LAN (local area network)) Bug#187838: marked as done (RFP: elyca -- Certification Authority written in python which uses MySQL to storage a database of all certicates issued by the CA) Bug#187914: marked as done (RFP: jmax -- visual programming environment for music and media) Bug#187973: marked as done (ITP: typo3 -- A web content management system with many features) Bug#187984: marked as done (RFP: propo -- Java 2 program for training the eye to see proportions) Bug#188060: marked as done (RFP: lcwa -- Latest Changes Web Agent) Bug#188100: marked as done (RFP: squidalyser -- A squid traffic analyser designed to allow per-user scrutiny and analysis of squid logfiles.) Bug#188175: ITA: filerunner -- X-Based FTP program & file manager Bug#188240: marked as done (RFP: sede -- anonymous-non-manipulatable voting.) Bug#188300: marked as done (RFP: emacs-manual-fr -- French translation of GNU Emacs manual) Bug#188311: marked as done (RFP: emacs-manual-ru -- Russian translation of GNU Emacs manual) Bug#188339: marked as done (RFP: tbook -- XML authoring tool) Bug#188341: marked as done (RFP: liblookdb -- C++ library for platform independent database access) Bug#188434: marked as done (ITP: fm -- FM is a Gtk+ file manager) Bug#188439: Is someone going to upload these packages? Bug#188440: marked as done (ITP: splashutils -- Set of utilities to manage boot splash-screen) Bug#188465: marked as done (ITP: irssi-jabber -- Jabber plugin for irssi) Bug#188608: marked as done (ITP: xmms-speex -- Speex speech codec - XMMS input plugin) Bug#188782: marked as done (ITP: maven -- a Java project management and project comprehension tool) Bug#188914: marked as done (RFP: phpscribe -- a documentation generator for PHP applications) Bug#189062: marked as done (RFP: ifp -- Interactive Fiction Plugin -- collection of game intepreters) Bug#189122: marked as done (RFP: xroach -- infests X with disgusting cockroaches) Bug#189173: marked as done (RFP: netbrake -- network bandwidth limiting through LD_PRELOAD) Bug#189317: marked as done (ITP: emu-tools -- Tools for emu10k1 (SB Live) cards) Bug#189359: marked as done (RFP: irrtoolset -- a suite of tools to operate on routing policies in RPSL format) Bug#189477: marked as done (RFP: twisted-web -- Twisted Web Server) Bug#189766: marked as done (RFP: dap -- Digital Audio Processor for UNIX) Bug#189927: marked as done (RFP: gcc-xml -- XML output extension to GCC) Bug#189967: marked as done (RFP: petidomo -- Mailing List Manager) Bug#190184: marked as done (RFP: chandler -- personal information manager for email, calendars, contacts, tasks etc) Bug#190313: marked as done (RFP: noegnud -- multi-GUI nethack/slashem, including 3D) Bug#190357: marked as done (RFP: exact -- Exact provides pop-before-smtp relay authentication. It works as-is with uw-imapd, cyrus, perdition, exim and sendmail. It should support almost all POP, IMAP and SMTP servers.) Bug#190560: marked as done (ITP: kernel-patch-bootsplash -- This is the home of the graphical boot process for the linux kernel) Bug#190562: marked as done (ITP: splashutils -- User-space programs to manipulate the framebuffer splash logo and bootlogo.) Bug#190679: marked as done (RFP: bioperl-run -- Perl wrappers for applications used by bioperl) Bug#190796: marked as done (RFP: qvocab -- A program to train your vocabulary) Bug#190901: marked as done (RFP: gnome-sensors -- A GNOME2 applet that displays your hardware sensors.) Bug#191714: marked as done (RFP: sauron -- a free DNS & DHCP management system) Bug#192422: marked as done (RFP: parsec -- multiplayer cross-platform 3D Internet space combat) Bug#192553: marked as done (ITP: debianarchist -- info and tools for subversion within the Debian domain.) Bug#192646: marked as done (RFP: hyperscsi -- a networking protocol designed for the transmission of SCSI commands and data across a network) Bug#192886: XPVM Bug#194066: marked as done (RFP: timewalker -- Tool for visual data mining) Bug#194155: marked as done (ITP: ehnt -- Extreme Happy Netflow Tool - Obtains useful information out of netflow data) Bug#194260: marked as done (ITP: netbsd-make -- NetBSD make suite) Bug#194413: marked as done (RFA: gxedit -- GTK-based text editor) Bug#194442: marked as done (RFP: libcodetext-perl -- Syntax Highlighting for Tk) Bug#194443: marked as done (ITP: libsyntax-highlight-perl -- process text of any format and produce a syntax highlighted version) Bug#194515: marked as done (RFP: debdivert -- Debian packaging aid to create patch packages) Bug#194547: marked as done (ITP: libemail-filter-perl -- Library for creating easy email filters) Bug#194548: marked as done (ITP: libemail-localdelivery-perl -- Deliver a piece of email - simply) Bug#194550: marked as done (ITP: libemail-mime-encodings-perl -- A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding) Bug#194698: marked as done (RFP: yala -- YALA is a web-based LDAP administration GUI.) Bug#194816: marked as done (RFP: linksysmon -- Tool for monitoring Linksys routers) Bug#195040: marked as done (RFP: libtk-xmlviewer-perl -- extended Text widget that displays) Bug#195124: marked as done (RFP: libvmime -- A C++ library for parsing and creating MIME Internet mail messages.) Bug#195143: marked as done (ITP: klapjack -- KDE Livejournal client) Bug#195236: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-cdt -- C(++) Development Tools for Eclipse) The last update was on 09:49 GMT Sat Jun 15. There are 2151 messages. Page 1 of 5.

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