debian-kde Sep 2016 by thread
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Btrfs & Dolphin Gary Dale
Dolphin dropdown menu broken on multi-monitor Joe McEntire
plasmashell and activity of CPU phil-deb1 . merlin
plasma task manager multi monitor problem Thomas Fjellstrom
what a nice surprise Jonathan McDowell
kde-open5: mailto URI opens "wrong" application Michael Schuerig
HIDPI insanity Rubin Abdi
KUser & KDE Print settings prompt root password Borden Rhodes
Html view in kmail Tim Folger
rar files and ARK newbeewan
keyboard randomly non-functional Tim Ruehsen
KDE Frameworks 5.26 coming Martin Steigerwald
The last update was on 12:49 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 77 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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