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Re: task bar missing

Il 06.09.2016 08:50 Thom Castermans ha scritto:

2016-09-06 6:21 GMT+02:00 Gary Dale :

This has been going on for a few weeks. I was hoping that it would get
fixed but instead it's gotten worse.

I'm running Debian/Testing on an AMD64 machine - with KDE obviously.

When I reboot my computer, which I only do every week or so depending
on on how it's behaving, the task bar is missing after I log in. Up
until today, I could log out and it would reappear with the second

By task bar, do you mean a Plasma panel? I am not experiencing the same
issue. Does it happen when you add another panel too (to that panel)?
Something may have gone wrong during an update at some point. Also, it may help to not lock your widgets between reboots. Last week there was a minor issue with icons not appearing in the system tray that was fixed by

Few pieces of Plasma 5.7 are not in testing yet. plasma-desktop and plasma-workspace for example are still 5.6.x.

This may or not may related to the issue, but I would first recheck with all the components with the same version.

So either you get the missing pieces from unstable or you wait a bit.


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