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Html view in kmail


I'm using testing, updated almost daily, with kontact version 5.2.3; kde 
plasma version 5.7.4, kde frameworks 5.25.0, Qt version 5.6.1. In kmail's 
security and privacy settings, I've checked "prefer html to plain text" and 
"Allow messages to load external references from the internet." But kmail 
ignores the settings--html messages always arrive as plain text, and I have to 
check the "plain message" border in every e-mail to convert the message to 
html, and then click on the "load external references" option in the message 

This happens even though the folder properties for the inbox are set to "Use 
Global Settings." If I check the "prefer html to text" in the folder 
properties, kmail loads html messages, but it reverts to plain text whenever I 
restart kontact. For some reason kontact isn't retaining the preferences I'm 
choosing. Has anyone else had this problem?



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