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Re: kmail auto-completion

Am Donnerstag, 8. September 2016, 16:33:47 CEST schrieb Tim Folger:
> On Thursday, September 8, 2016 11:29:36 PM MDT Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 7. September 2016, 17:15:06 CEST schrieb Andreas Bourges:
> > > Hi,
> > 
> > Hi Andreas.
> > 
> > > ...since quite a while (after switching to kdepim 5.x  I guess), my
> > > composer recipient auto-completion has some minor problems.
> > 
> > Known upstream bug:
> > 
> > [kmail2] [Bug 357670] New: KMail 15.12.0: Composer auto-completion fails
> > on
> > first try
> > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=357670
> > 
> > For such wierd behaviorial issues it makes sense to search upstream
> > bugtracker, as its quite likely that it is an upstream bug.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> Do you have the package libkf5akonadisearch-bin installed? I had the same
> problem with auto-completion not working, and it turned out that the
> libkf5akonadisearch-bin package was not installed. After I installed it
> auto- completion worked.

That is when completion doesn´t work at all. But even if you install this 
package I usually sometimes still see that it doesn´t autocomplete unless I 
type something, delete it, type again.

Interestingly enough completion it appears to work just fine on my private 
KMail without that work-around. But during work days this week I found it 
still needed that delete to beginning of input field work-around at my work 
KMail. I wonder what the difference in this is.

I didn´t fully read up through the latest state of the upstream bug report. I 
found another one, where someone, if I remember correctly, writes it may be 
fixed by either KDEPIM 16.08 or Qt 5.7, don´t remember exactly anymore.

[kmail2] [Bug 356431] New: no address autocompletion

But well KDEPIM 16.08 will still take some time. It needs Qt Web Engine that 
is still in the process of being packages as far as I know. Its a complex 
thing to package a new web engine and it appears even more so with Qt Web 
Engine, as, as far as I understood what I read in #debian-qt-kde IRC channel, 
to build it you almost need everything to build a chrome/chromium browser.


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