debian-kde Jul 2008 by thread
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Re: The ftpmaster amd64 users not like, buaaaa [temporal kdeplasma-addons packages] Ana Guerrero
asuransi prudential mansur
Online chemist where you can save on all your health needs. vhjceb
Lenny upgrade from kde-3.5.8 to 3.5.9: kwin on a dual monitor system Chris Stam
kopete and crypto plugin in KDE4 Marek Hulán
Support for vcard in kmail found in kde4 ? Thomas Preud'homme
kdebluetooth4 Ramon Antonio Parada
see memory cards in konqueror Aleksandar Kostadinov
KMail--Can't Delete Phantom Message(s) Null
Interesting article for you Jenkins Dunbar Jr.
KDE 4.x in svn David Broome
KPowersave and KNetworkManager Eric Doviak
Kstars hardware control in KDE 4.1 packages. Gerrit Jan baarda
Contact: Mr. Edmond Fills Mr . Howard Smith
kipi-plugins 1.6 Arnout Boelens
Sometimes only 1 desktop and no window border in KDE Anton Liaukevich
xorg 100% cpu when using kde4 tomas nackaerts
kd4 4.1 is now in experimental wow!!! BasaBuru
Some KDE3 extragear applications not installable in KDE4 [.1] Ritesh Raj Sarraf
sesame2 backend in libsoprano4 Frank Thieme
kde4 packages installed, what's next? Philip Stephens
Do you now when amarok 2 pakages in experimental? BasaBuru
Upgrade was mostly fine, but a few problems left Ferdinand Smit
The last update was on 11:31 GMT Sun May 24. There are 91 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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